Sunday, February 08, 2009

Feb 8: week 6 viddie is up

Hello faithful handful!

Okay, results are in and the question remains: what the fizzuck does a body have to do to rev up the gee-dee metabolism? Pull a Benjamin Button? Ah well. The good news is, after five weeks of a healthy diet, I am not feeling deprived and/or longing for garbage food. And I am losing weight at a slow but steady pace.

I was in the shower earlier this week and I looked down at my hip and had an intense visual of that old saying, "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips". I thought about all the sugar and fried gunk and stuff with no food value whatsoever that I have shoveled into my yap over the years, and saw it racing through my veins in search of a home, plunking itself down on the outer reaches of my ass, like fat cell pioneers. Those fat cells really like it there. They are squatters that will have to be evicted through the unpleasant act of squatting, it seems.


  1. don't despair! the recommended daily cardio is 30 minutes (sustained, not total). you are practically there. it's hard stuff you're doing, and, not to sound like your auntie, but i'm really proud of you.

  2. Aw, thanks Auntie Trish! Yeah, no despairing here. Some impatience, yes, but generally pretty positive vibes from this corner. Thanks for bein awesome.

  3. Hey linnyqat! I got a huge burst of (possibly kundulini~sp?) energy after a weekend of flirting (with a bit of kissing too-eeeks!) at a union retreat~during off-time of course. So last night I was up until 3am dancing and tonight, though only 12:30 am I've been at it again. Much better than eating ice cream with melted Dove dark chocolates on top. Still afraid to weigh=maybe tomorrow. Fun eh?

  4. I'm soooo proud of you!!!
    Keep up the great work :-)

  5. sbc! fanTAStic! Dancing til 3 a.m. has got to be the best aerobic activity going. Especially when accompanied by flirtatiousness! It's been ages since I went dancing. The Miaouw is visiting for a week starting Thursday. Maybe I'll find a way to drag him out for some high energy dancercizing at a club!

    Hey Sarah! Thanks for checking this thing out. As always, you are a great cheerleader. Thanks, it means a lot to me.

  6. Oh, you're doing so GREAT!!

    I have had a hard week, pms gives me the sluggishes I guess and oooh, the cramps this morning! I hardly EVER get cramps so I don't know what was up with that. But I've been walking every day, sometimes an hour or more, but have NOT succeeded at the gym for cardio every day consecutive last week.

    And I've been eating a lot of chocolate and fatty sour cream, butter...ugh.

    You're inspiring me to shift, nudge myself back to the healthy I was doing two weeks ago!!

  7. hi Dee, well, some weeks are just like that. One thing I have definitely improved on in the last few years is not letting one bad day (or few days) derail me completely. Okay, so, I got totally derailed in November/December. But aside from that!

    Anyway, walking for an hour a day is great. Sure, it's not cardio, but it burns calories and it also (for me, anyway) has a calming effect; it's good for my psyche as well as my body.

    Just do what you can do! I find the motivation builds on the successes. And the kudos and support from friends.

  8. Good job Linnyqat!

    Exercising for six days a week is awesome. One reason you might not be losing weight as quickly as you'd like is because you're building muscle, which weighs more than fat. (Actually, it doesn't "weigh" more, but it is more dense, so the same volume of muscle weighs more.)

    Do you listen to music when you do your cardio suff? I find it helps. Sometimes I set a target number of minutes, but then maybe my target comes up in the middle of a song. I'll just keep going till the end of the song. And maybe after that, there's just one more song left on the CD, so I'll make myself go until the end of the CD. Playing little games like that with yourself can keep you going a bit longer.

    Again, great job. I love the videos.

  9. I went to the gym today, and on the way to work I stopped and got some sugar snap peas for snacking, good fruit and some veggies for a salad to make later.


  10. Linnyqat, you must be very fit to be able to run 2 miles in one go! I was at the gym yesterday and was totally exhausted after running 1300m (about 0.8 miles). Still haven't lost any weight (I think I actually gained some). You are my inspiration. Great blog!

  11. ps. I mean you are my inspiration I always get enthusiastic about losing weight after reading your blog! I eat junk food, lots of carbohydrates but I am doing away with this bad habit. I had a delicious salad tonight! Plus a banana. I like you posts about the food you eat. They are very useful.

  12. Jazzmatazz, ah, yes, the old "muscle weighs more than fat" story. Heh. Yeah, I don't know. At this point, I don't think I'm building so much muscle, but maybe. When it's just cardio, though, it's more fat-burning, isn't it?

    I had my second session with my trainer yesterday and now I can maybe use that excuse as he is definitely ripping up my poor muscles so we can rebuild them bigger and stronger than ever before!

    For sure, music is essential for me. At the gym, there's also the TV to keep me distracted. Since I can never hear the dialogue with the shitty sound system they have, I usually listen to music and read the close captioning for Dr. Phil, Y&R or CNN. You're so right about the little games we play with ourselves to make the time pass when it comes to these monotonous machines!

    Dylan way to get back on that horsewagon!! How do you like them mixed metaphorical apples? Anyway, way to go, hon. Crunch, crunch.

    citykitty, thanks for the FB friending! Also, it is really thrilling for me, to think that this blog might be offering some measure of inspiration or encouragement for all of you, who have been so supportive and encouraging to me.

    And thanks for the feedback about the usefulness of the foodie posts. I will keep it in mind for future posts.

  13. LOLA! And hey, cleavage shot! Whoo! Damn, six days in a row. Makes me tired hearing about it.

    Hey, what about green tea? It's an anti-oxidant and has caffeine, but it's a good caffeine, right? Will that help with the metabolism?

  14. Hiya Eustice, yeah, that viddie is chock full of goodies, what with the cat and the boobs.

    My dad's wife gave me a crate - seriously! - of herbal and green teas for Christmas. A whole bunch of varieties. It's quite nice, and I have heard about the virtues of green teas. I need to get into the habit of having tea at night - maybe that can be a starting point to getting myself off the Diet Dr Pepper...
