Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aug 29: Oh Tee Dub

Well hey there empty chairs! I see you finally gave up. Have you learned nothing? I know I haven't.

So from a low of 144 pounds, achieved in mid-December last, I settled in at around 152-155 for a few months, and then just went, aaahh, fuckit, cake. So, I let there be. There was a month to six week period this summer where every week I'd peer in my garbage and vow not to have any more junk food wrappers in it, followed by a shrug at the vow and more wrappers. I put on like, 10 pounds in July I think. Anyway, I realized I was in dire need of a Scale Nazi, and have resumed attending DubDub meetings (I was trying to go it alone, just subscribing to their online tools, for the past 5 or so months).

Anyway, I'm Oh Tee Dub. OTW. On The Wagon. Of course, last month I was also Oh Tee Dub - Off The Wagon. Will there ever be a time in my life when the wagon just doesn't figure in? Doubt it. Damn I hate the wagon. It's like Eve and the apple. Once you have awareness of the wagon, you can't un-know it. I have been tarnished by the stain of Original Slim. Not that I ever was. Whatever, it rhymed. Point is, I don't know how to not obsess about it, so whatever, I'm just gonna continue on this path and it's fine. This is just me and I'm kinda okay with that.

I'm two weeks back "OP" as the professional dieters --who don't call it a diet; the professional lifestylers, I should say-- refer to it. Which is to say, On Program. I am also resurrecting the C25K program for the second time. Meaning I'm doing it for the third time. My body doesn't have any recollection of being able to run 5k outdoors in a reasonable time and fashion. Maybe all the aspartame is giving my body Alzheimer's. Anyway, I'm in week 2 of that. Up to running 90 seconds at a time, with 2 minutes recovery in between. Wheeze. And I don't mean Mrs. Jefferson. Ah well. Gotta start somewhere. And then start over again. And then actually start from further back since the last time because I'm 12 pounds heavier than the first time I did it.

Good times, friends!