Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jul 30: Gimp

Shout out: KatCamp, Mistress of the Guilt Trip

Alright, I'm back. I totally meant to be here sooner. The Miaouw and I went to my mom's place last weekend (she and my stepfather live in a serene bungalow on a lake in the wilds north of Kingston, ON). We needed to get out of the city. This weekend we're back there again for the annual Family Weekend thingy. My brother and his family (including gigantic, slobbering, if good-natured dogs) plus me and my Miaouw (this year we are bringing Lola, on the Miaouw's insistence) plus Mom and Al. Try not to get eaten alive. Try not to eat myself dead. Those are my two main goals.

Anyway, I wasn't around. And then, when I was around, I've been very disheartened by the shocking deterioration of my body. It's like, I turned 40 and then almost to the day I started being plagued by injury. My left calf has been on and off acting up - some sort of pulled muscle, possibly. I stayed off of it, except for bi-weekly workouts with Derek. The couch treatment seemed to be working, because on Monday I went to the gym and kicked ARSE. I was able to do skipping intervals again and really work up a good sweat, with no pain. I actually requested we do lunges. (I think my brain may also be injured.) Two days later (yesterday), suddenly my left foot is all fizzucked up. The outer arch is really achey. I almost sucked out and cancelled my session with Derek. I knew we could concentrate on upper body but I was just so pissed and depressed and feeling sucky. I pushed through and showed up. We did cycling sprints, which my gimpy hind paw seems able to withstand. In the end, I was happy I went. Tomorrow morning I am going to see a physiotherapist for an initial assessment. I'm wondering if the two injuries are related (left foot being connected to the left calf... bone... ish). Derek said maybe something's out of alignment. Maybe. I'm busy checking for lumps, thinking to myself, well, if you have to get cancer, this is the best place for it. Cuz that's how I roll (i.e., neurotically). (No lumps, phewf.)

So that's where I'm at. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some sort of diagnosis or some treatment or whatever, to figure this crap out, cuz I'm already tired of being an elite athlete.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jul 20: It didn't take.


Alright, alright, it's not so bad. Mostly I am just supremely frustrated by this recurring sports injury thingy, something I have never really dealt with. I am not an athlete by any stretch, but I guess this is like a micro-dose of how it must feel to be mentally raring to go and having to accept the fact that your body is not in synch with your mind. So you know, naturally, my mind looks to rejoin my body by sidelining the renewed attitude thing. Or something. I don't know.

Last week when I weighed myself, I was coy and did not give up the number because, ugh, it was 156. I just knew that wasn't a real number. So I was diligent all week, just like I said I would be, and by Saturday morning I was 150. Nice. On Sunday I was out at the Acura 10-Miler & 5K with some work colleagues - it was to benefit the Canadian Cancer Society, where I work, so I volunteered to run the 5k as part of a team. So about 20 metres into the run, BOING, my left calf muscle or tendon or whatever the eff is back there causing shit popped out and I had to run the whole thing with this aching calf muscle. Which, dig me, running through the pain. Cut me! Cut me!

Anyway, about that list of vows from last week:

do the 10 minute abs video every daydid it on Monday, did the Awesome Abs class at gym on Tuesday, then... nada
exercise 6 days a weekMon, Tues, Wed, Sat, Sun - not bad
stop taking weekends offummmm
be more label conscious at the supermarketmeh
make a video once a weeknope
sign up for Toronto Island 10knot done yet; but this will happen, no question
lose 10 pounds before Sep 20pfffffttt not at this rate
make out with self every daynot even once (sniffle)

This is why I don't set myself goals. How depressing. But I knew I had to get out here and confess or else... shame spiral. In fact, this morning after my cottage cheese and fruit breakfast I ate a whole bag of Kettle Corn. 910 calories. Gulp. I was just feeling rebellious and frustrated, and you know what happens when I get resentful. So, it's back to confessional for me. All I can do is tell you all about it and pray to Holy Oprah, full of grace, to wash away my sins and give me a blank slate to start fresh once again.

I do have a bunch of raw video footage from the 5k which will hopefully be mildly entertaining once I cobble it together. Hopefully get that done some time this week.

Alright, Trigger, get over here so I can get back up on ya. Or... something less stupid and more inspriational. Gah.

PS I am making an appointment this week with a physiotherapist to get my leg looked at. Meantime I've been icing it and stretching it and all that blah, blah, yadda, yadda, so ne worry pas.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jul 13: Recommitted and it feels so good

It's been roughly six months since I started this blog. I've lost between 10 and 15 pounds, depending when you ask, which is... well, let's face it, not outstanding. On the other hand, I've also run a 10k and I do cardio usually 3-5 times a week, with hour long strength training sessions twice a week, which I can and do consider to be very good, possibly outstanding. I am not really any closer to vanquishing the binge eating habits that have dogged me for most of my adult life, but I am better at accepting my shortcomings and not hating myself for them.

I think it's time for a re-jiggering. Last week the wheels came off the bus a bit. I've been injured (some sort of recurring issue with my left calf - I am going to see a physiotherapist about it, since my benefits package at work covers $500/yr for physio), so I've been slacking a bit on the exercise (haven't run in 2 weeks, though I've done some cardio at the gym). And I've been resentful about not getting to eat anything and everything that strikes my fancy.

So last week I said, okay, have what you fancy. Get it out of your system. Gain a few pounds. And then next week, we begin again, in earnest. Here I am now, raring to go (despite the lingering ache in my left calf; I shall not let it deter me).

My commitment to myself includes the following pledges:
  • do the 10 minute abs video every day

  • exercise six days a week - aim for 500-600 calories burned in a session


  • start reading labels again and avoid lots of preservatives and junk, especially artificial sweeteners – I think if I stop consuming so much sugar, I will stop craving it so much

  • make a video once a week

  • sign up for Toronto Island 10k Run, happening Sep 20

  • lose 10 pounds before Toronto Island Run

  • make out with myself every day, no matter my size

Some of those goals will be tougher than others but I know I am up for it. One of the things that has really been slowing me down is taking the weekends off. I think my compromise from now on will be, on ONE day of the weekend, I can have A meal off. Not the whole day off. We'll see how that goes.

Okay, to kick the whole thing off, a fresh viddie, featuring killer guitar solo! Plus an invitation to any and all to step forward and have yourselves committed! Just sign up in the comments section - we'll keep each other accountable and honest and encouraged and supported.

And if de-elevator tries 2 bring u down...


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Jul 9: Resentment

I would have to say one of my greatest obstacles in trying to lose weight is the resentment I feel at having to restrict my diet. It's tricky though. If I give voice to my resentment, it is initially superceded by embarrassment. One in six people in the world are hungry and I'm pissed that I can't eat 5000 calories a day and just enjoy it. I hate it when I catch myself behaving like a spoiled, entitled, ungrateful fatass.

Eventually the liberal guilt triggers the resentment all over again, and I'm a dog chasing my tail until I finally just break down and order pizza and wings. Which is what I did last night.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Jul 3: Methods to the Madness

Like many spoiled westerners (particularly we North Americans) I have been on approximately one bajillion diets since early adolescence. I just thought I'd take a moment and inventory some of the highlights for you:

Weight Watchers: The Classic. I did DubDub for the first time with my mom when I was 14. I remember I weighed in at 142, and I think I lost about 12 pounds before abandoning the program. I've been back many times since then. In 1999 I lost around 25 pounds and briefly possessed the secret password to size 6, but the Skinny Mafia went and changed the locks on me once they caught me stuffing my face whilst nursing a broken heart. (Jerks.)

The Cookie Diet: you know if it sounds too good to be true it usually is. I tried this one back in the early 90s when a girlfriend of mine was trying to make a bit of extra cash by selling these cookies out of her home. I think the active ingredient in them is straw. They add little bits of chalk-olate chips to entice you, but don't be fooled.

Slim Fast: I wonder how many women have a half-empty tin of this shite hidden away somewhere in one of their cupboards? You can say that a liquid meal replacement is filling, but if I don't get to chew and swallow, I'm not gonna feel full and/or satisfied. (I do like the cookie dough meal replacement bars, though. Problem is, I never stop at just one.)

I did NutriSystem with my mom during my final year of university - 1991/92 - and lost 45 pounds. I was 120 and three quarters for about ten minutes. I remember going to Easter dinner at my in-laws' house after I'd reached my goal weight. I ate everything in sight. I ate so much that I poisoned myself. I have never been that sick from eating - I had food coming out of both ends of me that night. (Sorry, you had to read that. It's way better than having to go through it, trust me.) I think going for seven months on this restricted diet may have challenged my body's ability to digest normal food. That's what happens when you don't cheat, yo's.

I tried hypnosis for a few months in the winter of 2002. I liked it because it was geared towards changing my attitude and behaviour around food. I pitched my scale and just decided to focus on eating smaller portions of healthier foods. It worked for a little while but it took a lot of time - I had to go into the centre around 2 or 3 times a week (once a week you have a private session with an actual hypnotherapist, the other times they just put these crazy trippy glasses on you that show some kinda Jefferson Airplane psychedelia, you sit in a deluxe La-Z-Boy and they play a tape by the HypnoGuru, repeating all the rabbit food mantras), plus I had to listen to my hypnosis tape (they taped the weekly personal sessions) every day. It got so I just started falling asleep during the sessions. Another thousand bucks down the drain.

The Master Cleanser a.k.a. "The Lemonade Diet": yes, I really did go without solid food for 10 days straight, back in winter 2003. I still hadn't replaced my scale at that time, so I don't know how much I lost, but my clothes were definitely much looser afterwards. The booklet (pictured) is actually very interesting and apparently this cleanse can be helpful (if you are open to this sort of alternative healing) for a lot more than just weight loss. Basically you consume water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice, pure, dark maple syrup and cayenne pepper (for reals) and nothing else. For minimum 10 days. By the end you are fantasizing about gum. It was an interesting experiment but any time I've tried it since, I haven't made it past day 2 or 3.

Jenny Craig: My most recent foray into supporting the diet industry. I've done JC off and on since summer 2003. Up until this past fall, I was on it for 2 or 3 years straight. I actually lost around 30 pounds the last time, and kept it off for a year and a half or so, which is unprecedented for me, only to fall in love and toss the whole moderation thing out the window of a speeding car. Splat... fat. Ah well. I did mention a long time ago that, while I totally get how JC works for a lot of people, ultimately, it was not helping me with the bingeing issue, as it allowed me to forego mindfulness in the kitchen.

Which brings me to my latest (and I'm sure you will all agree) greatest method: blogging. Okay, that's not a weight loss method. The method is actually good old fashioned healthy(ish) eating and regular exercise. But the key has been the accountability and support from all of you. It's really kept me on track, or helped me right myself when I've strayed.

So, anybody out there have any crazy dieting methods they're willing to admit to?