Monday, July 13, 2009

Jul 13: Recommitted and it feels so good

It's been roughly six months since I started this blog. I've lost between 10 and 15 pounds, depending when you ask, which is... well, let's face it, not outstanding. On the other hand, I've also run a 10k and I do cardio usually 3-5 times a week, with hour long strength training sessions twice a week, which I can and do consider to be very good, possibly outstanding. I am not really any closer to vanquishing the binge eating habits that have dogged me for most of my adult life, but I am better at accepting my shortcomings and not hating myself for them.

I think it's time for a re-jiggering. Last week the wheels came off the bus a bit. I've been injured (some sort of recurring issue with my left calf - I am going to see a physiotherapist about it, since my benefits package at work covers $500/yr for physio), so I've been slacking a bit on the exercise (haven't run in 2 weeks, though I've done some cardio at the gym). And I've been resentful about not getting to eat anything and everything that strikes my fancy.

So last week I said, okay, have what you fancy. Get it out of your system. Gain a few pounds. And then next week, we begin again, in earnest. Here I am now, raring to go (despite the lingering ache in my left calf; I shall not let it deter me).

My commitment to myself includes the following pledges:
  • do the 10 minute abs video every day

  • exercise six days a week - aim for 500-600 calories burned in a session


  • start reading labels again and avoid lots of preservatives and junk, especially artificial sweeteners – I think if I stop consuming so much sugar, I will stop craving it so much

  • make a video once a week

  • sign up for Toronto Island 10k Run, happening Sep 20

  • lose 10 pounds before Toronto Island Run

  • make out with myself every day, no matter my size

Some of those goals will be tougher than others but I know I am up for it. One of the things that has really been slowing me down is taking the weekends off. I think my compromise from now on will be, on ONE day of the weekend, I can have A meal off. Not the whole day off. We'll see how that goes.

Okay, to kick the whole thing off, a fresh viddie, featuring killer guitar solo! Plus an invitation to any and all to step forward and have yourselves committed! Just sign up in the comments section - we'll keep each other accountable and honest and encouraged and supported.

And if de-elevator tries 2 bring u down...



  1. That guitar solo just makes me want to go on a scent-spraying frenzy.

    Good mews regarding the healthy foodstuffs. This meow needs to saunter up and down some flights of stairs now. Purrs.

  2. Faithful Lola!!! (Except when you don't feel like it.)

    Thanks for stopping by and for extending a friendly paw of support. I'm proud of you for conquering the stairs.


  3. Congrats again on the progress you HAVE made; don't lose sight of that! Bad habits and modern life conspired against you - it takes a lot to get on a good track.

    Remember the key to weight loss is the simple formula: calories out must be greater than calories in. You can cut calories in safely by 10-15% under your BMR (which you MUST know). You can exercise to increase calories out.

    Now, here's the ONLY REAL "TRICK" (getting something for nothing!) to even more weight loss is changing your BMR (at least temporarily). One way is from EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). You can burn from 0% to 25% more calories (than the original exercise) over the next 48hrs depending on how long you keep your heart rate high. Walking for 2 hrs won't get you any EPOC, but intense weight lifting and interval training will! So, you have to have a heart monitor watch, or stop occasionally to check it manually. Other ways to increase BMR is to do things like eating every 2-3 hrs, eating breakfast shortly after waking, building muscle, etc. To DECREASE (don't do this!) BMR do things like eat carbo-loaded items that spike your blood sugar, don't get enough sleep, etc.

    "sign up for Toronto Island 10k Run, happening Sep 20"
    >> Yeah, go for it!

    "make a video once a week" &
    "make out with myself every day, no matter my size"
    >> I would suggest not mixing these two!

  4. Hurrah for recommitting! I hope this recommitment lasts til the end of time, but we love you anyways. And personally, I think you should mix "making a video" and "making out" up from time to time. Keep us on our toes.

  5. I love you, man. That was the awesomest air guitar solo EVER.

  6. Opps, I posted at the Resentment post and now I'm pissed. (That was my lame attempt at humor). Anyway, glad you're back recommitted to each other. I'm right there with y'all.

  7. Hey Toddly, thanks so much for your comments. Some good tips in there.

    For others reading this, the BMR Todd refers to is your Basic Metabolic Rate, which is how many calories your body needs in a day to maintain your current weight. I found a BMR calculator that people might find helpful.

    I got a heart rate monitor several months ago when I was getting more serious with running and working out with my trainer. It's fantastic and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get serious about cardiovascular fitness.

    As for videos with no self-make out sessions, I am SHOCKED at your poo-pooing. SHOCKED. (Everyone else, stay tuned.)

    Chico, the Man, hurrah for your hurrah! Thanks for being so awesome. I will look to keep y'all on your toes with upcoming videos.

    Tracy, run away with me and we'll have the awesomest bromance ever!

    Kat, you must have been sipping too much free champagne and wandered off into another room! Glad you made your way back. That other room is really boring. This is where the party is! Okay, I think I am on meta-overdrive here and I stopped making any sense about 50 words ago or so.

  8. Okay, so just throwing a question out there...why would I make choco chip icecream? Isn't that sadistic or something? Hoping one of my skinny family members will do it in soon!

  9. Oh, dear. This reminds me of how I like to roam around grocery aisles and stare mournfully at food I can't have. But to have it my home... my goodness, Kat, you have surpassed me in your will to torture yourself. Of course, if I were you, the torture would come only after I'd eaten a small spoonful, returned five minutes later for another small spoonful, returned five minutes after that and scooped out a modest dish, and finally returned half an hour later and just pulled out the damn bucket and cradled it in my lap (I would actually put a pillow in my lap first and let the bucket rest comfortably and accessibly) and just devour the whole thing. Then the torture sets in (i.e. trying to do up jeans, etc.)


  10. I haven't yet done any of those things except for the first..small spoonful. Then I thought about the jeans.

    Here's another why...would I go to the beach with my long tan legged 15 year old daughter? Not a pretty sight if I was by myself or with another fatty, but next to her? OMG is all I can say. If you Facebook, I posted a picture of our legs next to each other. Tried to capture a friendly angle but the difference in color was too much fun to keep to myself :)

  11. So my friend, how's it going? I am dying to get a report. I'm on the verge of stepping up and buying a ticket on your fitness train any day now (despite the fact that I made a cheesecake tonight for a work thingy... and yes - I licked the bowl).

  12. Heya Rusty, your comment prompted me to write the July 21 blog, although I really should have responded here too. It is totally fantastic to hear you are edging closer to readiness. I totally get the need to be in the right headspace before launching a program of any sort to change your lifestyle.

    I would totally love to have a cheesecake bowl to lick right now.
