Saturday, February 07, 2009

Feb 7: New measurements viddie!

Hey, check it out! I'm shrinking...aaaggaghhhghh!!!


  1. Linz! Fond greetings and commiseration from your oldest fat-complex pal. I'm so glad you exist. In any shape and format.

    I too have returned to jumbo status and have just returned from 2 weeks of sunning my shapely deluxe bod on the beaches of Oaxaca. I like my body, but why doesn't everybody else? What's so wrong with a fattie in a bikini? I *love* your terra cotta fertility goddess in stretchy shiny spandex lingerie. (okay, coping strategies for deeper inner sadness...)

    DS Max and I just watched all your vids and he thinks you're a movie star. (So do I.) Your blog and your comments posts are causing me to ponder lots and lots: how can I stay out of the fat-market biz. How to get happy and busy in my life so that body image and fat are non-issues. How to leave the stripey couch to start getting happy. Ya know.

    Lots of love and encouragement, sngst. I will def. stay tuned.
    shannon p

  2. Congrats on the shrinkage!

    I think it's great that you're gearing up for a 5K run. If you're at 2 miles already, no problem, you can do it!

    To help vary your treadmill / bike routine, you might try so-called interval training. That's where you do short bursts (30 seconds - 1 minute) at a high resistance, number on the machine, then go back down to a lower number to rest, then back up. It's a much more efficient way to exercise, compared to going at a steady pace. You can goog some standard routines. Just a suggestion.

    Again, good job, your efforts are paying off!

  3. Wow, you RAN two miles?! I'm not sure I can WALK two miles. Mucho impressivo. And careful with the shrinking, we wouldn't want to lose you! :)


  4. Snaggest!!! Hooray, you made it! I'm so glad you exist too! Hey, you wanna hear a funny story about that bikini-clad fertility goddess? After I posted that blog, my most excellent friend, the Treenstar, emailed to say how awesome it was that I was also a fan of the Venus of Willendorf. I'm like, uhh, I just did a google image search for "ancient fat" and she's what popped up!

    Anyway, I'm so glad you're here and reading this. I miss you.

    PS I will be happy to send an autographed 5 x 7 glossy to Max.


    heya Jazzercizer, thanks again for the encouragement. I did another run tonight. I thought about the interval training. What I've been doing is starting at a slow pace (4 mph) and then at every tenth of a mile, I increase the speed by a tenth of a mile, until I reach around 5 mph.

    I've heard from a friend who runs that I should switch it up, do interval training. I was all set to do that tonight after reading your comment, but I have this fear of going too hard, even if just for 30 seconds, and not being able to get my breath and then just quitting the run too soon.

    So instead, tonight I ran at 4 mph for 3 minutes, then revved it up to 4.5 mph for 3 minutes, then 5 mph for 4 minutes. I ran at 5.2 mph until I reached a mile (13 mins), and then I walked at 3.5 mph for a minute and a half. Then I did the whole thing again for the second mile.

    I will keep thinking about the interval training, though. I know it's good advice; I just have to work through some sort of exercise-induced-asthma-induced anxiety. But I'll get there. Thanks for giving me all the tips. It helps a lot.

    Eustice, it's nice to hear from someone that running two miles is actually a feat! I was feeling sort of sheepish, reporting it like it's an accomplishment, but you gotta start somewhere, right? Cheers, baby.

  5. Hey Lindsay...
    i just saw this, it's quite awesome. i think you're the shit and send all kinds of support vibes your way. Like Eustice, i think running 2 miles is amazing. i don't even like running to the car...


  6. LQ--

    Great work! I have a suggestion...measure yourself before you work out. We tend to swell a bit when exercising so, crikey, it's possible your measurements are even smaller!

    Best and xo


  7. Trish! Word! Thanks for the props, sistah. One of these days I'll start going to yoga. A woman in our office hosts a session once a week over lunch hour. I keep thinking how I need to take advantage of that. Well, I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for the support. It helps so much.

  8. Kleo, hunh! I did not know that. Good call. I'll be sure to keep it in mind next month. Thanks for the encouragement and advice. Rock on wit yo bad self.
