Friday, February 20, 2009

Feb 20: Backslidden

Aw, geez, you guys. No sooner did I post yesterday's I'm feeling damn good about myself business than I went home and ate my face off. Interesting, n'est-ce pas? For me, the self-sabotage always seems to come hot on the heels of the self-love.

Okay, so back up. I did engage in what felt like binge behaviour last night, but I only binged on food in my house (i.e. relatively healthy stuff), and I stopped long before I started to feel sick from too much eating.

In the interest of full disclosure, and in the vein of confession being good for the soul, here's a full account of what I ate last night:
    1 small slice whole grain bread60 cals
    2 tbsp organic guacamole40 cals
    1/2 cup leftover stirfried veggies and chicken75 cals
    3 eggs, fried in oil350 cals
    2 more small slices whole grain bread120 cals
    750 ml low fat frozen yogurt600 cals
    2 pkgs of Sensible Foods crunch-dried fruit150 cals
Wow. That looks like a lot more than it felt like when I was eating it. The fro-yo was the biggest indulgence. I had 3/4 of a litre left in the freezer and I just went at it. Anyway, by my calculations, this binge amounts to about 1400 calories. Up til that point, I'd consumed about 650 calories through the day, so I'd say all in all, could have been a lot worse.

I'm going to the gym after work tonight, and I'm gonna shoot for 45 mins of cardio; up the ante from the 30 I've been holding myself to for the last few weeks. Tomorrow I meet with my trainer and we're doing THREE reps on the weights (up til now it's just been two), so I know I'll put this behind me.

As far as what went wrong yesterday: I think there are a number of factors.
    One, the aforementioned tendency to self-sabotage when I start to feel good about myself. Fuck I hate that about myself. In October I did four weeks of Booty Camp, this killer outdoor exercise class. At the end it was still hard, but I was starting to feel fit. When it was over, I fell off the bandwagon and was in a food freefall for all of November and December, and I think I gained around 15 pounds, possibly more, I am too ashamed to calculate it and tell you all.
    Two, menu boredom is starting to set in. I need to find some ways to shake stuff up a bit. I did mention to the Miaouw that I thought it would be fun for us to take a healthy cooking class together. He gave an enthusiastic Paws Up to that one.
    Three, even though I love having him here, I think I may have been reacting a bit to having my space back to myself after the Miaouw left yesterday. I am an introvert and sometimes I start to feel the stress of close quarters. I think I may have been reacting to that a bit.
Well anyway, as Usher put it, this is my confession. Not trying to make excuses, just trying to learn from it. Also, trying to take a positive from it. In the past, this could have been a white cake with thick white icing, a bag of McDonald's, a big bag of chips, a full box of chocolates, and/or some combination of all of them.

File this incident under "Progress, not perfection".


  1. if you're going to binge, you certainly could've gone so much further than this. hugz.


  2. Oh yeah, no shame, no judgment...we all have days when we feel like we lose sight of what we aim for, or whatever.

    You made some darn good choices to overeat on though...way to go!

    You're doing GREAT!

  3. I think this was the same day I ate 3 potato/chorizo tacos with a side of refried beans, a brioche from the Cheeseboard, chocolate mousse, and drank half a bottle of wine. So yeah, no judgment here!

  4. You stopped before you felt sick, that's huge in my book. Being a binger myself. Plus as everyone else said, the food itself was not bad and the calories were pretty manageable, but the absolute best is that it was a bump in the road, not a reason to just keep downsliding.

    I know I've talked about 'normal' people with 'normal' eating habits before, I'm pretty sure they do the same kind of thing. A few hundred extra calories on occasion.

    Kudos to you for not kicking yourself!

  5. hi Trish, thanks for the hugz, and the support. It's true, I could have (and in the past I have) gone way further. So, yay me, hooray for small victories.

    Dylan no judgies on this here blog! I love it. As far as my choices are concerned, it helps when there's nothing but healthy food to binge on in the house, and you're too lazy to go out in search of bad stuff! For once, my laziness works in my favour!

    Joy! Fantastic. You are so awesome. Thanks.

    taar, it is SO good to write this stuff and have you guys not only read it and make no judgies or feel repulsed, but to actually understand and empathize. Thanks for getting it.
