Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb 16: The numbers game (plus viddie)

This week's weigh in is at best inconclusive. The scale is a cruel, mysterious mistress. As you'll see from the viddie below. This isn't exactly a news flash, but pinning your motivation to the numbers on the scale is a slippery slope. The scale giveth, and it taketh away. And the other way around.

Anyway, I am trying to re-work that habit, by understanding that eating right, exercising, not putting toxic gunk in my body is its own reward, and that I shouldn't feel entitled to a numeric reward on the scale. And that if the number on the scale doesn't move, or worse, goes up, it doesn't mean the effort to live well is wasted.

On the other hand, I think the numbers game is helpful when it comes to progress in the gym. The cardio machines are tedious, but they have so many numbers you can watch and obsess over to push yourself to go a little bit longer past your comfort zone: they track calories, distance, time, intensity... between all those sets of numbers, it's easy to go just a little further to achieve a nice round number in one category (say, "I'll run 'til I've burned 200 calories"), and then the next category needs to be rounded up ("I'll go 'til I've hit a mile") and then the next ("once I hit 15 minutes I'll rest")... and before you know it, the first category needs a new round number.

Anyway, with respect to this week's weigh in, yes, I was exasperated. But I spent some time thinking today about how good it felt to run for 33 minutes yesterday, for 2.5 miles. I felt as though I could have gone on. It doesn't really matter that much what the scale says. My body is getting stronger. I accept the fact my metabolism is not going to do me any favours, and that the fat is very reluctant to give up its winter home. Or at least, I'm trying to accept it. I'm glad I'm treating my body more reverently, anyway. It makes it easier to look on these curves with tenderness and acceptance.


  1. Hopefully boyfriend = sex. I hear sex is good for weight loss. Hopefully you had LOTS of it!

    No Lola this time... :(

  2. Hey, I think you are RIGHT ON about the numbers on the scale not being important.

    My trainer (I had one session last summer) said "You'll ALWAYS lose sizes/inches before you lose numbers." And in any case I think it's better to pay attention to how you feel, how much energy you have and how your clothes fit.

    I took my workout up a notch today...added another 7 minutes (you are so right about those numbers on the machines! LOL) and did some abs crunches too. And remembered to stretch - I'm really bad about that one.

    Also, bought food for the week - at least the beginning of it - and have it here: Lots of veggies for daily salads, some nice grapeseed oil to top it with, sunflower seeds to use in moderation, whole grain tortillas to wrap around hummus, cukes and tomoatoes.

    And my snack drawer is filled with baby carrots and fruit.

    Nice start to the beginning of the week.

    I have no idea what I weigh, and your post reminded me that it doesn't matter.

    Have fun today!

  3. Eustice, to quote my boyfriend, "That's what the public wants: sex and Lola!" I guess I know what to put in next week's viddie... :)

    Dylan, for sure, when the scale forsakes you, you have to have a back up plan. Measurements! I'm glad I'm taking them once a month. I was surprised to see I'd lost an inch off each of my "areas" when I did my last measurements viddie, and for sure my jeans are feeling a lot looser of late.

    That's so awesome to hear you're notching up your workouts! I am totally loving deferring the responsibility to pushing myself beyond my comfort zone to a personal trainer. I am thinking very seriously about continuing to see mine after the initial 12 week sign up sessions are over. I can't wait til I start to see some actual muscle tone. The Miaouw swears I feel "tighter" or more toned, but I am dubious. Might as well believe him though!

    There's a girl on YouTube who does a weight loss blog and one of the things she does on a weekly basis is a video showing some of her healthy grocery buys each week. I think it's kind neat. Check it out if you like: justacameragirl

    It's awesome you have no idea what you weigh! Nice work. You're doing great.

  4. My scale loves to change it's numbers as well. Although I know that when I keep stepping on and off like that it's kind of like shaking the magic 8 ball again 'cuz I didn't like the number in the first place.

    Anyway, I always go with the middle number when my scale forsakes me.

    I thought about getting up and going for a brisk walk this morning. Not having done that I don't think any calorie burning happened. I'm working on it. You are still an inspiration.

  5. hey taaaar, sorry I'm late responding. I've had my Miaouw here for the past week and have been a little preoccupied. I love the Magic 8 ball allusion. Perfect.

    As for your progress, thinking about it is the first step towards doing it! Good work!!!!
