Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jun 11: I dreamt my guns were bazookas

Hey kiddiewinks!

I'm having a pretty good week, D-Weightedly speaking. Working out hard, eating well, resisting temptations (ALERT! ALERT! Retirement party at work on Tuesday! GAAAAHHH hors d'oeuvres everywhere!!! I ate a damn banana) and this morning my scale is pretending I've lost another pound (149), and I'm just gonna go ahead and believe it.

So yesterday I was brushing my hair in the morning and I looked in the mirror and HOLY GEEZ THERE ARE BULGES COMING OUT OF MY ARMS!!! Check it out, I have muscle tone! Okay fine, I still have flab tone too, but I think the biceps may be starting to gain a bit on the swaying suspension bridges that are my underarms. I recreated the image this morning for you so you can bask in my success yourselves:

Anyway, I was at the gym last night and telling Derek about this minor success, and he referred to these strange bulges as my "guns". I'm like, my GUNS! I have GUNS! I retorted, "My lovely lady guns!" It was all v. exciting.

So last night I had this crazy dream that my biceps were no longer these subtle, shapely, sexy arm humps, but had turned into freakish Swanson's Hungry Man biceps, like I'm a competitive lumberjack or an Olympic rower or... I don't know... a man. I flexed and they had this cartoonish reaction. It was weird and a little disconcerting. Michelle Obama's arms don't do that. So I think I'm gonna have to watch it. No steroids for me.


  1. OMG. You crack me up. I'm laughing so hard!!!

    And RIGHT ON!!! You look TERRIFIC!!!

    I was fondling the muscle tone in my shoulders last night...mmmmm....MUSCLES!!!

  2. Thanks babe. You'll notice that my lipstick matches my tank top, if not my bra strap.

    I LOVE that you were fondling your shoulders! AND, I love that we are taking back the word "fondle". [[[shudder]]]

    Rock on with yo muscular self!

  3. All in all, I'd say that was an awesome dream. It reeks of power and control! Heh heh. I don't know for sure, actually, but I think it does. You got the power!

    I'm also all for matching lipstick. We ladies can never go wrong asserting ourselves feminine-wise. Particularly when wielding kick ass guns.


  4. Patticakes, the dream was either about power and control, or maybe I have some sort of latent transgendered something or other... meh, I can't even be bothered to think of an ending to this joke. So yeah, power! Awesomah powah!
