For examp, cereal. On Friday night I was heading home from work and I was starving. I felt like I just needed a small burst of carbs to hold me over til dinner, so I picked up a box of Honey Nut Cheerios. A three quarter cup serving is 120 calories. I figured that oughta do the trick - just to munch on, no milk. And it mostly did. But then it tasted so good, I had another three quarter cup serving. Only another 120 calories. I'm still okay. So, what's for dinner? Neither of us felt like cooking. We decided to order sushi for delivery. Bit of a mistake, as it takes an HOUR to deliver. Think I'll just have another sensible portion of Cheerios while I wait...
Sushi arrives and... WHOOPS we ordered WAY TOO MUCH. Oh well, I already blew it by eating a ton of Cheerios... you can see where this is going...
Luckily, as Anne of Green Gables winsomely observed, tomorrow is another day, with no mistakes in it yet. Unfortunately, tomorrow also happened to be Saturday. I got up and had some Cheerios for breakfast. A couple hours later, I had some Cheerios for lunch. Mid-day snack, Cheerios on vanilla ice cream. Etc. Basically, the box was gone by mid-Sunday.
I suppose all of this would be okay if I'd gotten off my ass on the weekend and done a sensible portion of cardio. I haven't worked out since Thursday, this being Tuesday. In addition to my pre-existing condition of chronic laziness, I got thrown off my routine on the weekend - my Saturday appointment at the gym got cancelled because Derek's parents were in town. Whatever, Derek's parents. I hope you're happy.
(I'm going to the gym tonight and doing an hour of cardio, right after work, no excuses.)
Any of you guys have foods you can't have in the house?
President's Choice Decadent Chocolate Chunk Cookies. The whole bag is gone in zip flat.
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one who abused breakfast cereal!!! It's truly my crack. I love it and once I have it in my house, I have to consume it as quickly as possible.
ReplyDeleteI binged on Lucky Charms a few weeks ago. I'm not proud.
I love the honey flavored O's that Trader Joe's sells, but I will eat them in a day or two. Sometimes I try to buy "healthier" cereal, but then I eat maybe one bowl and leave the rest to go stale. It's all or nothing with me, cerealwise.
ReplyDeleteChocolate chip cookies. Chocolate biscotti. Crunchy chocolate stuff. Matching the grains with the chocolate is my downfall, even though at the time it sure feels & tastes awesome.
ReplyDeleteI get on cereal jags sometimes too, but since I'm cooking for the tribe, I get too guilt ridden pushing cereal on them beyond breakfast. Only in dire emergencies. Like once. Maybe twice.
I turn into a complete lard ass every time Brian comes to town. It usually takes 1-2 weeks of fasting before my pants are loose again.
ReplyDeleteI've started having fruit smoothies for breakfast. No dairy, just banana, berries, and low acid orange juice. It keeps me surprisingly full. Cereal always makes me hungry. Why is that?
I hear you on the cereal. I'm currently hooked on Kashi GoLean. Only 110 calories in a 3/4 cup serving, but it has 13 grams of protein (!), 10 grams of fiber, and only 1 gram of fat. Pretty healthy, if you don't go nuts on it. Which, of course is the problem. It's so f'ing good!
ReplyDeleteI add a handful of raisins, and some fat-free milk. Repeat X 4.
I can eat the whole box in two days, no prob.
Kibble. Maybe raw egg in a bowl. Nom nom nom.
ReplyDeleteLane, oh sweet Jesus. PC Chocolate Chunk and I have not shared a household since the 80s when my mom used to buy them. Ah yes, the early years of "secret eating". I can remember going into the cookie tin and grabbing four of them, then sneaking back into the kitchen half an hour later for another handful. Yeeeeikes.
ReplyDeleteMare, I LOVE LUCKY CHARMS!!! And now the whole world (if the world consists of the 30 or so people who read this thing) knows it. We can be not proud together. (I just love those little marshmallows!)
Joy, when I was a kid, before the advent of "honey sweetened" cereals, my mom, of course, never bought the sugar-stuff. So we dumped a couple tablespoons of brown sugar on our healthy cereal every morning. Works like a charm - no need for stale cereal!
Patti, mmmm, crunchy chocolate stuff! Yeah, you know, I've never been a person who is satisfied with texture-less chocolate, e.g. chocolate pudding or chocolate cake. I like the consistency of actual chocolate, and biting into something. Plus then there's the crumbs afterwards to shame you further. Not that the shame works.
Theresa, you are not eating enough cereal if it is leaving you hungry. Suggested serving sizes are a total crock. Maybe those are based on having other stuff with your breakfast? Anyway, just go back for second breakfast and then again for elevensies, and you should be good to go. (Although this will not help your girth as far as the pants not fitting.) I like the idea of smoothies, but I feel like liquid breakfast would not satisfy the behavioural urge to eat and consume.
Jazz, I picked up some Kashi stuff a couple weeks back that was high in protein. Maybe it was the crunchy stuff. It was good. I used to get the other Kashi stuff, years ago, that has rice puffs or something in it? Didn't do it for me. (Maybe I should have stuck with that brand.)
Lola! What are you doing here! I thought for sure you'd list Fancy Feast. Maybe that adorable little pea brain of yours has already forgotten about it since we put you on a diet last year. Sorry little one. If I gotta suffer, I'm taking you down with me.
Sadly, I like to rotate... cheese, olives, crackers, bread, cookies, ice cream, tequila, popcorn, anything-that-is-packaged-in-a-100-calorie-portion... and cereal gets a shot every so often (maybe Golden Grahams).
ReplyDeleteWhy rotate? That there sounds like a right satisfyin meal.
ReplyDeleteI have contemplated Golden Grahams a number of times in recent months but so far have not given in to its allure. (Get in line, GGs!)
That stuff if crack.
ReplyDeleteThis is bizarrely timely pour moi. I have a friend visiting (coincidentally from your country of origin) and while I intended -- and happily -- to cook every meal that we don't eat out, she insisted on picking up some cereal "so you don't have to cook all the time."
Something in the back of my head made a barely audible noise of protest, but i could not place the reason why.
UNTIL I had been to the store, not once but twice, to replace the box of "Peace" (TM) brand Wild Berry Crisp cereal that somehow seems to keep ending up in bowls attached to my hands at 3 am. . . .
Thanks for reminding me (as if the wild behavior wasn't enough of a reminder) just why it is that I've not bought cereal in decades.
because I am POWERLESS over it.
Don't you think it should be illegal to use words like PEACE as brand names?
Meanwhile, MANY HAPPY RETURNS Of OF THE DAY (and, moreover, THE YEAR)!!!
Hey, Tandy, nice to see you here!
ReplyDeleteHmmm... Peace. Like, hippie cereal? Or, like, the zen state of nirvana you achieve whilst consuming an entire box? I don't know if it's really zen, though. Sounds too relaxed. Maybe it should be Frenzy.