So, yeah. Guess I'll be busting my hump 3 times a week with Derek for the next month. Heh.
I did try ... sort of... Okay, on Saturday morning in Vancouver, I got up early(ish), got into my workout clothes, went downstairs to the front desk at the crap-ass hotel (a near-constant comedy of errors) and asked where the fitness room was. No such thing, I was told. I could have sworn I saw pictures of it on the internet when I was booking the hotel.
So, I walked outside the hotel, looked around at the busy road and unknown area... aaaannnd... went upstairs and back to bed.
This sort of set the tone for the week to come. Ate my face off, sat around a lot, etc. Although, while in Vancouver with our friends, we did get out and about a lot. On Saturday we walked for the better part of 5 hours (at a leisurely snail-on-vacation's pace, so I didn't count it towards Derek's challenge). On Sunday, we went for a hike at Lynn Canyon that did feature a brief burst of aerobic activity when we climbed out of the canyon. But it was brief enough that I wouldn't feel right counting that day either.
On Wednesday, while visiting Dylan in Washington state, I got up at 6:45 and went to yoga with her. I even sweated! It was a 45 minute class and afterward we walked the dog for 20 minutes, so I'm gonna count that one. Thanks, Dylan!
After that, we were in the car for 12 hour days, and then crashing at the hotels we checked into, usually around 11:00 p.m. or so. We never even got up in time for the free breakfasts, let alone for me to get out and get some exercise in.
Also, I pretty much just said eff you cee kay it to the eating right business. Well, we did buy a veggie tray, some bananas and apples on Wednesday that I nibbled on in the car. And I got a disgusting salad one night for dinner at Crapplebee's. The next night we opted for KFC. Shudder. Sorry everybody. Je suis epic fail.
Yesterday I planned to run for an hour. I even told the Miaouw that I was getting ready to go for a run, at around 2. Instead I went for a nap. Did not get out of my PJs all day. This is embarrassing. Why do I tell you guys this stuff?
Anyway, back on track today. Dreading the weigh in on Wednesday, but it will be good to get honest and know where I stand.
How did y'all do last week? Lane? I hope you did better than me!
Yeah well, holidays, what can you do. And why eff up those holidays feeling guilty about something you can look after when you get back? Sounds like you're having a good time - I'll want to hear all about it over a "light" beer when you get back!
ReplyDeletexo Barb
You tell us this stuff so that we, in our reckless food mowing abandon, do not feel alone. I'm still at my all time highest weight, except when I was about to deliver my TWINS and refused to get on the scale, but went to the gym today and ate rabbit food most of the day. But I've recently had sightings of my friends, similarly middle agedness, getting slim so there is hope. Alas, there are across the US roadtrips in my summer future so I fear the KFC lard ass driving for hours and hours and hours. Except that there is no kitchen to suck me into the feeding frenzie vortex. Not trying to advertise here...I'm your new bff remember. But we're at Benji dot com...yah, the cute little scrappy dog we all grew up with and loved. The creator of that loveable mutt is my dear hubby. Go Girl!
ReplyDeleteBarbie, rest assured, I did not spend much time feeling guilty. I just enjoyed. And enjoyed. And then enjoyed some more.
ReplyDeleteLight beers on a patio are in our future! Very, very soon. Let's connect and get stupidly drunk.
Kat, you're the best. Thanks for saying stuff. For sure, I blog to know I'm not alone, and in the process, I am glad to know that it has a similar effect for you lot too.
Good work on gymming and rabbitting. It's basically a day-to-day thing, n'est-ce pas? Like alcoholics. All we can do is count the small victories as they occur, and not let the screw ups derail us completely. The latter is the toughest part for me. I still get derailed, but I am getting better at not wallowing in it (for too long).
It's great you have friends to motivate and inspire you. The upcoming road trip... sigh. Just do your best, and we'll be here for you to share your small victories and/or epic fails with!
I'm totally going to check out your website. Thanks for sharing. The internet is an amazing thing, forging connections with strangers across the land through this wondrous series of tubes...
KAT!!! Holy shit, your name is really Camp, and you are married to Joe Camp?! That's awesome! I had a Benji book when I was a kid! About the making of the movies, including pics of Joe and Benji behind the scenes! That's awesome. Wow, a real live celebrity on my blog. Sort of. I feel v. important and validated now.
ReplyDeleteI ran two x 3K (Monday and Wednesday), felt great, and then caught a bugger of a cold. BOGUS. Am just about ready to start up again. Arg.
ReplyDeleteThe Lanestar! That's great you got out twice - better than me. Hey, we should do a training run together some time. Wanna?
ReplyDeleteThat sucks you got sick. Pleh. It's tough to get back to running when you've been congested and stuff. Take it easy on yourself, but not too easy.
OMG! I finally made it back!
ReplyDeleteSorry for neglecting the D-weighted!!
I had so much fun having you join me at Sarah's! It was great!!! Glad you sweated too.
Yay for KatCamp and Joe!!!
xoxox, slurp!
Dylan! Where you been, punk?! Glad you made it back. Thanks to you, I only have to do three extra sessions with Derek instead of four.
ReplyDeleteI love that somebody else here remembers Benji (well, everybody remembers Benji) and Joe Camp! Man, I know this is seriously dorky, but I was so excited when I realized who Kat is. I, uh... I think I may have scared her away. Oooops!
Dork fest!
ReplyDeleteI love and remember Benji well.
And, they should know too, that Benji is so commonplace that when I got a call the other day of a dog running at large, the person calling it in said, "Its a 'Benji' dog." Yep. We know what that is.
Yeah, Kat! COME BACK!