Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mar 3: feeling good

Hey gang, sorry no weigh-in viddie this week. I recorded something on Sunday but the sound wasn't working. I need to fiddle with it and I just haven't had the energy. Been fighting a cold. But I am due for a measurements check in, tomorrow, which will mark 4 weeks since the last one, so hopefully I can suss it out.

Meantime, check me out! I lost 2 pounds last week! Huzzah! Not only that, I passed the 10 pound mark. My total weight loss sits at 10.5 pounds at the moment. Hooray!

In other noteworthy and awesome news, last night I ran 3 miles without stopping for a break. On the weekend I did 3.5, after my session with my trainer, but I had to walk for 2-4 minutes a couple of times throughout. So this is fantastic news. I know I'd set a small goal of running a 5 k in the spring, but there's a really big run put on by The Sporting Life on May 3 that's 10 k down Yonge St. That's two months away, so I am thinking very seriously about aiming for that. It's mostly downhill (at a very minimal grade) so I think it would be a good one for a newbie like me. But you know, I haven't done any training outdoors at all, so I'm gonna hold off on committing to it completely. Anyway, I am very encouraged by my results, both on the scale (finally) and in the gym.

Yay, me! Yay, us! Stay tuned for measurments video...


  1. Yay you! I love that first 10 lbs. It feels so good. And then there are the next 2 and the next 5, aaahhhh numbers. Obsessive.

    Anyway, congratulations on the numbers and the running. I am so not in that kind of shape. I'll stick to my walking for now.

  2. Last summer when the Miaouw was here, I wasn't in the exercise head space either. We went for walks 3 or 4 times a week, often for up to 2-3 hours, after work. It was a great way to introduce him to Toronto, spend some time together and get some exercise. I think walking is a great form of exercise when you're not feeling motivated to get all cardio crazy.

  3. Linnyqat,

    great progress! However I am totally dumfounded. FC blog got assassinated by FC. WTF going on does anyone know?

  4. Hello Linnyqat,

    Congrats on losing 10+ pounds! And double congrats on the 3 miles non-stop! That's indeed awesome news. You're ready for that 5K already!

    Jim Fixx, who started the whole running craze back in the 70s, had a theory that you can run twice your training distance if you have to. (Why you'd ever have to was never explained, though I can imagine many scenarios, most of them involving being chased by the police, jealous boyfriends, dogs ... ) In the spirit of full disclosure, he died from a heart attack in his mid 40s. Still, I've found his rule-of-thumb to be true for me.

    The point is, if you can get to where you can run 5K non-stop reliably, (or with only minimal walking), you can probably do a one-time 10K run and still feel good at the finish. Go for it!

  5. You are doing great! I'm still stuck at just about 5 lbs only though I must be toning up since people keep commenting on how good I look these days. I only do 1 + miles on the treadmill due to time and boredom tho I walk 1/2 mile to warm up before my PT workout. Running is problematic for me as it gives me TMJ headaches.

    I'm super impressed with your progress Ms lq.


  6. hi citykitty, thanks for the support. You can still access FC through Nerve or The Onion, apparently. E-mail me via Facebook if you need help.

    Jazzerama, I know!!! Actually when I was doing that run on Monday night I was aiming for 3 miles, but thinking that by the time I got to 3, it would be easy to run that extra .2 to get in an actual 5 k run. But I ended up just walking for the last few minutes - still put in 3.2 miles in distance, but didn't run the last bit. Regardless, I think, for sure I could run a 5 k.

    Re: the guy who died of a heart atack, thanks for the tip! heh. But yeah, I think even if I didn't run the entire thing I could definitely get through a 10 k event at this point. In two months time I will be that much fitter. Stay tuned for a big announcement.

    cookie! Hi! What does TMJ stand for? Anyway, congrats on your progress. I decided a week or two ago to stop getting so worked up about not losing weight as fast as I want, since I can't control what my body chemistry is going to do, and to concentrate instead on improving my fitness. The result seems to be more results on the scale. Go figure!

    Anyway, keep it up. Whatever changes we make are good. For me, I have to be ready to make changes, I can't force myself out of some feeling that I should be doing it. That's a recipe for disaster for me. Some people do well with pressure like that but not me. I try to be gentle and encouraging with myself, accept whatever small steps I am willing or feel able to make at the time, and just try to build on those.

  7. sorry, haven't checked in for a couple of days, looks like you're doing quite well without me. ;)


  8. Hi linnyqat!

    TMJ stands for Temporo-Mandibular Joint disfunction. It has to do with the lower jaw joint which works with other fascial muscles for alot of mouth-related things such as opening your mouth/chewing/talking etc. Any sort of disfunction can cause many kinds of pain (head, neck, shoulder, eye, for example) chronic fatigue etc. I was told that because people can inherit upper and lower jaw size/structure from different parents it can cause all kinds of problems. I had jaw surgery in 1984 to correct this but still have residual chronic head pain which centers around my left eye. But so far I can deal.

    Looking ahead, you are looking good girl! I'm going to check out the charity too. When is the run honeybun?

    SBC ~ xoxoxoxo

  9. hi cookie, wow, TMJ. I wonder if I have a mild form. Every once in awhile my jaw gets out of alignment and chewing is incredibly painful. I mentioned it to my dentist years ago but she never mentioned TMJ. She took a mold from my teeth and made a thing for me to wear at night - I think to protect my teeth from grinding them while I sleep?

    Anyway. The last time my jaw was out of alignment it lasted several months. That was in the fall/winter. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to prevent me from being able to exercise. I get headaches occasionally but nothing out of the ordinary. That sounds like a sucky condition you have to deal with. Sorry to hear about it.

    The run is on Sunday May 3rd. I have two months to train. So now I call my exercise "training"! Makes me feel like an athlete.

  10. It sounds like you do have TMJ. It might be helpful to have the right diagnosis. This illness/condition imitates other illnesses and can be easily mis=diagnosed. They are always coming up with new treatments which could help you, especially if you have a long, painful "flareup".

    I'm in "no win" situation since I've had braces twice and jaw surgery once which has contributed to bone loss and some loose teeth. Since I don't want to lose teeth I usually just try to tough it out with aspirin. This usually works.
    I guess if I start medicating myself with Agavero on a regular basis there might be some cause for worry. So far I'm OK.
