Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mar 29: New video and checking in

Hi kiddies,

I've been slowing down in my blogging here, and have definitely been a bit... erm, slovenly in responding to your kind comments. I will do better. I think a big part of it is my struggle to get through this plateau or whatever it is. I'm trying not to get downcast about how slowly my body is reacting to all the exercise and such. It is really great news about dropping 4% in body fat. In fact the difference in poundage was only 3 pounds weight loss (which... grrrr!!!) and yet I am obviously a much leaner... or perhaps, less person. To drop 4% of body fat with just 3 pounds lost means I must be acquiring muscle mass. So, I gotta focus on that and just stay the course.

I weighed myself again this morning: 153, or maybe 153.5. Last week I was 154, and then 154.5, so I guess this is good news. Except that, it tells me that the weight gain last week wasn't just water or a blip of some kind, because I'm now just back to where I was two weeks ago. Oh well, whatever. It's not a race.

Anyway, I did a video on Friday night, expressing my frustration. I did it in greenface. No offense intended to the green community.

Thanks for continuing to cheer me on!


  1. Heh heh heh. It ain't easy. You know it don't come easy. But you're WORKING at it so it'll come soon enough. That muscle mass thing is awesome. Remind me never to arm wrestle you.

    I like the green mask. I have one in brown (clay and oatmeal) and it doesn't look quite as fetching.


  2. Know what I think? I think you gained muscle, which is heavier than fat. I think your weight pretty much stayed the sameish, but you traded fat for muscle.

    Yay you!

    My next door neighbor started with a personal trainer, a woman that works out of her home and is yoga based with her fitness routines. She is very reasonably priced, and also does (for $5 a class) yoga three evenings a week.

    I'm having my first session tomorrow morning and will go twice a week for the first month and then once a week after that. My intention anyway.

    BONUS: She has two friendly dogs and said I could bring Morgan, let her hang out and play in the yard while I have my sessions, and then after the sessions she's only four blocks to the "loop trail" which goes along the river where I can walk Morgan. yay!

    So of course, the night before a new fitness thing, I eat girl scout cookies, chocolate and a non dairy frozen dessert (coconut bliss: dark chocolate, it was YUM. Really!), oh, and a beer, but that was because today at work was difficult with a really icky case I had to dispatch and interview witnesses over the phone.

    Ah well, back on track tomorrow!

  3. Oh, and I like the green mask too. :o)

  4. hey smoochie patti, heck, do I know it don't come easy. Actually, it comes really, really easy. It does not go easy. My fat cells like to call my body the Hotel California. But for sure, the muscle building is really encouraging and the other day I even saw a wee tricep peeking out from under shirt sleeve at the gym! Cheers and hugs...

    Dylan, for sure, there can be no other explanation for the drop in 4% loss in body fat when the total pounds lost in that period were only 3. So, I'm really happy about that and have to just take that as my motivation as opposed to the number on the scale, which as we know can not be trusted. Why do I put so much stock in that wretched machine to make me happy?!

    It is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC that you are starting up with a trainer! Especially if you can get one at a good rate. I am paying close to 400 bucks a month to work with Derek, but it is well worth it for me. While I've been battling depression and motivation issues, having a schedule twice a week that I have to meet has kept me on track. Also, he's very supportive, even reads my blog, and I just find the external validation and motivation so helpful.

    I hope the ickiness at work has passed, and that you're back on track as planned. Even if you aren't, I still think you're awesome. We do what we can, and sometimes that's a lot, and sometimes that's just getting through the day, right? xo darlin.

  5. Ok...I just got home from meeting with the trainer, from here on out known as Sarah.

    She works out of her home, and does a lot of yoga combined with other exercises for fitness and stress release and strengthening...she uses the body's own resistance for strength training. she also does nutrition counseling. But what I LOVE??? She doesn't ask for my weight - has the same philosophy that I do about numbers - doesn't want me to count calories, but wants me to learn to feel and listen to my body in terms of heart rate etc...and stick with the unprocessed, organic, whole foods diet I've been doing and drink way more water than I have been.

    Her space is peaceful, safe, and she also works with young folks so if Sidra wants to accompany me to either the personal training or to yoga, she is welcome to!

    I'm starting with twice a week for now, Tues and Thurs, and then hopefully can go down to once a week after a month. But we'll see.

    Happy happy!

    I think it's great that Derek reads your blog too! What awesome support you have!


  6. Dee, fantastic! For sure, strength training using the body for resistance is just as tough (lots of times tougher) than using weights. I know in the fall when I was doing Booty Camp, there was a lot of resistance training interspersed with the cardio and man was I ever sore after the first couple sessions.

    It's so great you've found someone who shares your values and philosophy, not just about diet and exercise, but it sounds like you just have a general sympatico with Sarah. I have a great rapport with Derek; he's a good sport about taking the typical Noisy ribbing. Heh. Oh yes, make no mistake: when he makes me pay, I make him pay.

    Rock on, we are superstahs!
