Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mar 22: Frustrated

I think I need to change my weigh in day. Why does my body hate Sunday? Is it some sort of latent rebellion against my fundamentalist teen years? Or... yikes... is God punishing me because it turns out he's a vindictive, sexist, white old man after all? I just don't understand it.

Okay, yes, I had the very minor slip up with the chocolates and the McDonald's. But that was a week ago. I worked out, ate right, and yesterday when I weighed myself, I was back on track, down a pound, at 152.5. Then I walked half an hour to the gym, worked out for an hour with Derek, ran for another hour on the treadmill, walked (stumbled) home, and ate reasonably. This morning, I weigh myself. 154. Come on. COME ON!!! I went and sat on the couch and sulked for 15 minutes, went to the bathroom, and tried again. 154.5.


Well, I'm not going to do a weigh in video today. I'm gonna see if God takes Monday off, and maybe sneak in a weigh in while he's not looking, and hopefully my weight goes back down again.

I am working out 5-6 days a week at this point, faithfully training for my 10k run, eating around 1300-1400 calories a day, plus or minus 200. There is no way I should be gaining weight. So, what can I do. Plug on. I was at least very encouraged by my first one hour session with Derek. He had me doing "super-sets", where we do a set of weights and then a 30 second interval of cardio, e.g. skipping rope. Haaaarrrrible. My calves are aching today as a result. He said he doesn't usually start clients on super-sets the first time they do an hour session, but he'd watched my running viddie and figured I could probably handle it. I felt really strong yesterday, so much so that I was able to put in an hour of running with walking breaks, to a total of 4.5 miles on the treadmill. I am Iron Man!

Anyway, whatever. I refuse to make myself sick over this. I am trying to live a more healthy lifestyle, and training any harder or eating any less is not going to be healthy. So, I just have to say the serenity prayer or something. Suck up to God, maybe.


  1. Relax my friend. It's all about what happens over a month not a week. You could have needed to pee or something! A woman at my WW once was mortified about stepping on to a scale other than what she weighed on every week, yet that scale was calabrated weekly. You are doing fantastic! Sometimes the scale just doesn't show it. You are in this for the long haul, so don't be discouraged. Your weight can vary up to 5 lbs weekly with water retention etc. It happens.

  2. Period?

    - BP (who else?)

  3. Seriously Girlfriend!
    The NUMBERS DON'T MATTER!!! Our weight fluxuates 2-6lbs in a day/week.

    If you are (90% of the time) eating healthy, not too much, and exercising, you are becoming more fit, more alive, more sculpted with less extra fat on your body. Its inevitable.

    Maybe you gained some muscle? Maybe you were retaining water still from the Micky D's...who knows?

    You're doing GREAT.

    Really, forget about the numbers.

  4. Hi Christabelle, thanks for coming out of the shadows... and for your encouragement.

    The fluctuation wouldn't bother me if it came back down again as quickly as it goes up. This has happened to me before and I always say to myself, oh, it must be water retention; it'll go away in a few days. Never seems to. Whatever, what more can I do. I think sometimes it's just body chemistry, and aside from taking witchcraft supplements or maybe taking up meth or similar, I think I'm just gonna have to be patient.

    Patti, I don't know. Of course I wondered the same thing, but that hasn't been much of an issue in recent years. And I'm 8 or 9 days off yet. But, you never know.

    Dylan, AUGH! You are right! It's just like Bill Murray said in Meatballs: IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER! IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER! IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!

    For sure, if I continue with the activity and strength training, even if I don't lose weight, I've gotta believe I'm redistributing it and becoming more toned. My size 12 pants are fitting comfortably today, despite the fact that THIS MORNING I WAS UP TO 155!!!

    (But... it just doesn't matter.)

    Anyway, thank you for the reminder. I am going to the gym tonight and continuing to eat healthy and reminding myself that being fitter and healthier is its own reward.

  5. rudy the rabbit!

    I LOVE that movie!

  6. I think yer scale's a LIAR.

    Every time you wanna' weigh in, just hop on over to my place and will put you on a real scale-- like the kind grandma' had.

  7. hiya Easterwester, thanks for hopping along to this here blog. I don't know if my scale is the villain in this piece. Other scales are standing in solidarity with my scale. Damn them! But thanks for sticking up for me against those bullies.
