Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mar 31: Attitude is everything

Hey gang,

Whaddya know, another video! I was feeling so good last night I decided to counter the sad little greenface viddie with something a little more upbeat.

I've been really trying hard not to let the lack of obvious markers of my progress bother me or derail me in my efforts. Some days have been better than others. And of course, when there are added life stresses like a cornholio boss at work, the challenge is even greater.

But yesterday at lunch I was watching some YouTube videos. I have been meaning to talk a little bit about the weight loss community on YouTube. I'm not too integrated - there just are not enough hours in the day to keep up with work, fitness, my current online community, and apathy (the biggest timesuck of them all), so joining another community would stretch me a bit thin. (Except... that pun is hardly apt.) Anyway. I do subscribe to a few YouTubers, and one of them is this crazy guy Greggers. He does fun stuff with his video software - I'd like to learn how to do some of the crazy stuff he does. He has an unfailing positive attitude, and I think I just felt inspired by that yesterday. Something just clicked for me, and I pulled out of the funk and got back to funky. Had an awesome run and am looking forward to more gym time tonight.

If you want to check out any of Greggers' videos, here's the link to his YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/thesiegster

And now, a positive video, brought to you by the always upbeat Craig Finn and his band, The Hold Steady:


  1. Yay!!!

    Stay positive!
    Chuck the scale!
    Run like the wind!

    This was great to watch the day before I have my first session with my new trainer (Tuesday we met, and I signed up with her...)


  2. Dylan!

    You rock!
    The scale bites!
    Together we will arm wrestle the universe!



  3. Yay Linnyqat and Dylan! You are both an inspiration!


  4. OMG I am so sore!

    If I do this twice a week I'll be on the road to fitness that is for SURE.


