Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29: I joined a gym and I liked it

It's been a really tough week. January sucks ass, n'est-ce pas? I've been struggling to keep it together, with fair to middling results. I'm incredibly sensitive right now. I have to avoid animal shelter commercials and Biggest Loser ousters or it's dwibble, dwibble all down my face. Yesterday at work... oh, god, so humiliating... I cried in front of my boss. Ugh. About nothing. I mean, not nothing, but not something cry-worthy.

I went home and cocooned and cried some more, and this morning I woke up resolved not to be such a pussy. Winter sucks, but it's not like this is my first. Work is just work. I can't let it get under my skin this much. I need to take control, rather than let it control me. So after work, I strode purposefully up Yonge Street and walked right up to the 6'4" 22 year old buffboy and said, "I'm wanna join the gym." Exhilarating.

I wrote a song about it for all of you:


  1. Hi Linnyqat!

    I like my gym too though I'm going through a major crisis in that I've gained 1 or 2 lbs since you started this weight-loss incentive blog. Big UGH! I really don't know what I'm doing differently but I think I need to do a colon cleanse or 2-day fast or something to kick=start my own weight loss plan. I want to lose weight for my own self and right now it ain't happening. Damn!

    Thanks anywhoo for all that you are accomplishing with this blog.

    SBC ~ XOXO

  2. Hiya cookie,

    Oh, that cursed scale. It is such a moody mistress, gifting us with unexpected reprieves one week, only to slap us in the face with undeserved pounds the next. Je relate.

    I totally understand the urge to do something slightly different/unusual (I won't go so far as to say "drastic" because I don't like the judgy connotation...) in order to shake up your metabolism and get some encouragement from the scale. It's silly how those numbers can mean so much to us in terms of having the will to push forward.

    Anyway, good luck and keep us posted!

  3. Hey, sorry I haven't dropped by in a while.

    I have a tiny little gym, privately owned by one big buff guy, about 3 minutes from my house if I drive. It has weights and cardio equipment in the one room, no classes, but a personal training session once a month is included if you want it. Fairly cheap rate per month and it's all I need right now.

    Last week I went EVERY DAY except sunday and worked out on a cardio machine for 30 min.

    I'm not lifting weights at this point...every time I do my body gets aches and pains even though I know how, been trained, get good feedback on my form and speed and weight level...just feels like my body doesn't like it. And every time I've stopped going to the gym it's cuz I haven't liked the weights and my body hurts so I "take a break." Humph.

    So cardio only for now. It'll have to do till I get back into a yoga routine!

    Yay exercise!!!

  4. Dylan! WOW! Every day last week? You are a superstar! I am going tonight, swear to god.

    That sounds like a nice gym set up. The Good Life fitness club is a massive chain across Canada, and the club that I joined is really, really busy. It's kinda gross in a way; always super crowded after work. But then you can kinda blend and be anonymous in the crowd.

    And plus, they do offere a wide variety of group exercise classes, which I think I will take advantage of but am too self-conscious to at the moment because I fear I'll be spluttering for air after 15 minutes. Stupid. I didn't let that stop me in the fall when I went to Booty Camp and my form improved pretty quickly.

    The other thing is you can use your membership at any of their clubs and there are a ton of them in different parts of the city (to say nothing of across the country). So I guess that's good.

    Pros and cons to both ways, I guess.

    As for weights - I've never done them too much. They are going to train me on their circuit training system, as soon as I start working with my trainer. I think they are trying to compete with Curves. I'll let you know if it's any good.

    Keep it up!

  5. Wait! I said that wrong. Starting on the Sunday I Started, I also went M-F, but not this last weekend since I was in Seattle. I did walk a lot however.

    Back again this morning though!

    I sorta miss having classes to go to, but really, with two dogs, a teenager daughter and a needy mom at home it's hard to go somewhere after work (when most of the classes are, or midday when I'm at work). So I'd probably only go on Saturday. And membership is double what I pay my wee little gym that usually I have all to myself when I go.

    I'm not doing *great* on the food thing. Not bad, I have stopped eating the chips and chocolate available at work (we have a little snack bar thing) and have started eating more vegetarian (my daughter has gone veg, so I'm supporting her) and I generally eat whole grain, veggies etc...anyway.

    BUT, I am having a beer now, and I had two helpings of wild rice (two of green beans too), and a hot pocket for lunch today b/c the Eating Right Spa (double the veggies) frozen lunch I had was JUST NOT ENOUGH FOOD.

    But oh well. I think it's a great start and I'm pretty much focusing on not doing the chips and chocolate snacks and getting to the gym. In that way I'm doing GREAT.

    RAH Sister!
