Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jan 20: What's on the menu?

Hello friends! Big-ass shout out to everyone who's dropped by so far. (Stop by later and maybe you'll get a smaller-ass shout out.)

So today's entry is about what I'm eating, and what I've stopped eating. One thing I've decided this time around, which is a new approach for me, is to make a concerted effort to cut back on the amount of sugar and carbs I eat. For a long time, I figured as long I cut my calorie intake to between 1200-1400 per day and got in some exercise of some sort, I was doing okay. And, I'm sure this still holds and I am not saying it's a bad idea for anyone reading this who is following that sort of program.

But what I found was, I was eating a looooot of carbs in the form of processed foods, mostly frozen dinners (I've been a Jenny Craig customer off and on for the last 5 years or so) and sugary, if small, snacks and desserts. (And then sometimes sugary and large... and multiple... snacks and desserts.) I always thought the low-carb thing was nuts and something I would never be any good at, because of the whole deprivation angle.

But I have a theory that so far is proving to be true: the less sugar you eat, the less you crave it. I'm hoping this holds when the inevitable emotional cravings try to storm the brigade of my resolve.

So the diet I've been following for a couple of weeks now is, eat around 5-6 servings a day of vegetables and usually 2-3 servings of fruit, have some lean protein at every meal, and try to stick with whole grains, and way less of them. And try to get this all to total around 1200-1400 calories a day.

Today's menu

1 cup cottage cheese (1% milk fat)
small banana
1/4 cup blueberries

200 cals
70 cals
40 cals
2 pieces 12 grain bread
3.5 small slices bacon
1 tbsp "lite" peanut butter
1.5 cups raw veggies

240 cals
70 cals
80 cals
no score!
1 egg
1/3 cup egg whites
1/5 pkg tofu
1.5 oz parmesan cheese
1.5 cups veggies

75 cals
45 cals
60 cals
180 cals
high five for freebies!
3/4 cup frozen yogurt
1 clementine orange
1/4 cup blueberries

150 cals
25 cals
40 cals
1275 cals

Okay, so there's some stuff I can work on there. Bacon is kind of an indulgence. Oh, and I forgot to include the ketchup. I used one slice of the bread I brought to have a half bacon sandwich with some ketchup. I am a ketchup fiend. I have made a concerted effort to cut back on the ketchup in an effort to steer clear of the sugary carbs. But sometimes I give in.

Also, the "lite" peanut butter - probably really over-processed and gross. It was in my drawer at work and I'm gradually finishing the jar. It's a good shot of protein and carb during mid day to have a slice of bread and some p.b. But I bet it won't taste so good when I get the kind that doesn't have sugar added to it. Frowny faces!

Fruit for dessert? Is this a trick?
For the past couple weeks I've been having fresh fruit with some variation of sweetened dairy product after dinner. The first week I had a spray can of light whipped cream. But I used too much of it per serving, I'm sure. Then I got Cool Whip Light. Which, hello, does not even exist in nature. So I've switched to frozen yogurt. Anyway, it seems to get the job done. I don't want to give up sugar completely.

For the most part I am feeling pretty satiated on this diet. I stop at the grocery store twice a week and get around $20-$25 in fresh produce. I don't spend any money on frozen dinners anymore, though, which is definitely a change.

Bonus: stave off mentalpausal hot flashes
And! For a long time I have been getting night sweats when I sleep. It's so uncomfortable and gross to wake up with your pyjamas and/or bed sheets soaked. Since I've switched to this diet, the sweats have vanished. Amazing.


  1. Aw, man! I spent all friggin night building this stupid HTML table to make the menu all fawncy and blogspot adds this huge gap in my post. Too tired to fix. Put the OCD down and back away from the computer.

  2. I don't know, that dinner would leave me hungry. No worries about the gap in the menu, it's still quite legible.

    What about the fiber issue? I think fiber and water are really important, just insofar (I have never used "insofar" in a sentence before, promise!) as moving what's in your digestive system on out. I'm all about getting it in and making sure it comes out completely, though without the colonic stuff.

    It's great the night sweats disappeared though - I've been getting those a bit too, but am not even perimenopausal yet, to my knowledge. Hmmmmmm...

    You're inspiring me to log what I eat, online. I write it in my paper journal, but not online yet.

    (Oh, it's Eustice again - Curry St. John's Travels Abroad was a political blog I had in '04, but I deleted it. Yet another pseudonym.)

  3. Hey Eustice,

    The trick is the massive quantities of fresh vegetables. Tons of fibre in there, everything moving like it should, and they do the job of filling me up.

    On account of my celebrated status of lifetime dieter, I am pretty good with the water. I usually start my day with a litre bottle at home, then have at least two 700ml size bottles at work, and sometimes another one at home, so I get between 2-3 litres a day. I feel weird if I'm not drinking enough water.

    I don't think I'll log what I'm eating every day, but just wanted to give a sense of my approach towards what I'm eating this time around. Maybe I'll do random spot checks here and there.

    Thanks for checking in. You can always post your food choices here if you want to...

  4. This way of eating is pretty much what I want to be doing too. Cutting way back on sugar (but I'm allowing myself some dark chocolate now and again), and carbs. But for me also Dairy - it doesn't like me much.

    Main thing for me is to get those veggies in...so easy to "forget" to eat enough of them, to find ways of preparing them that doesn't bore me...

    And when I eat this way with whole grains, fruits and veggies, and lean meats, very little processed foods etc...I usually can feel great on 5-6 hours of sleep, have fewer - if any - cravings for crap food, can be satisfied with one square of a dark chocolate bar (really, like one SQUARE and then not think about it again for a day or more!! Amazing!)

    All around I feel cleaner internally.

    So I wonder why I choose to eat any other way?

    Anyway, yes. I'm with you here, there and everywhere!

  5. Hey Dee, yeah, my energy level is definitely higher. I still think I need at least 7 hours, but I can get away with less and not pay the same price.

    I've also started taking a B Complex vitamin. A friend of mine told me it was good for energy levels. I gave it a try, and whether it's my new diet or this vitamin or a combination or some placebo effect, I am definitely feeling more energetic these days. Good on us.

    Dark chocolate is really good for you, as I'm sure you know. Yesterday I was reading a couple days ago about the low glycemic diet which sounds very much like what we're following here, for the most part. She mentioned that dark chocolate has a very low glycemic index in addition to being awesome for you. IN SMALL, DARK AMOUNTS.

    Since I like my chocolate milky and plentiful, I steer clear.

  6. Hey girlie. We (your neighbours) think that what you are doing is SO COOL!

    We also wanted to bring your attention to a great website www.hungrygirl.com which gives amazing alter recipes for our fav foods. One of the products that I personally (my lovely wife not so much) am totally wild for is Shirataki Tofu Noodles. I know...they sound gross. But I swear by them now. They are only 40 calories for a WHOLE PACKAGE and mixed with a tbs full of fat free cream cheese, sour cream, and a sprinkling of parm totally satisfly my fettucini alfredo cravings for less than a hundred calories.

    Anyhow, keep up the awesome work and we will be following your progress and cheering you on. As you know, you are the inspiration for us clearing out our cupboards of all of the unhealthy crap that was lurking there and putting it downstairs for some other wanna-be-unhealthy loser. lol.

    Also...on another note, if you are ever craving something sweet you are always welcome to come over for a glass of multi-coloured aspartame laden jello with fako cool whip. We always have on hand at least six servings to safify L's jello addiction.



  7. My girls! All 5 of you! Thanks for coming out. I will definitely check out the website, and thanks for the reco. I think it would be cool to do a post that spotlights other weight loss blogs... maybe a few who are further along than me, to inspire us all.

    And I do intend to provide a list of informative and/or inspiring links on the right navigation bar at some point, so this is a good start.

    Very... erm... intriguing recipe suggestion! I've never heard of the tofu noodles, but I like the idea of something proteiny disguised as something carby.

    You guys are awesome! Yay, us!
