The little arrow up there. Yes I'll wait.
Aight, that's it.
Okay, so if Iggy Pop is the Chairman of the Bored, I'm gonna put in for Secretary. Who will bring the motion? Second? Carried. I'm just going to go ahead and assume two of you raised your hands, since here you are, reading my meticulously captured minutes... Of the meeting... That goes on in my head... When there is nothing else there to fill it.
Moving on.
So, I lost a pound. A measly, paltry, beggarly picayune pound. (Hat-tip: Blah, blah, blah, slow and steady, healthy rate of loss, etc., oh, and do me a favour and STFU. Golldangit, you kids, I sweated my BAWLLS off this week, racking up what I thought was an impressive 46 Activity Points, using only 9 of my 35 weekly flex points. And yet the fat, she stubbornly clings. What can I say, I have a very attractive skeleton. Can't get those squatter fat cells to move out without building a frigging barricade and starving them out, it seems.
Ah well. When life hands you... nothing, make nothingade. Assholes.
Continuing good work
I've been back at the running. I ran twice last week. I'm trying to stick with 3 miles / 5 kms for now, and then I do my 10 minute abs video. The other night I did the 3 miles in 36:05, which I thought was pretty effing good, considering last week's entry, where I mentioned running it in 37:40. I really had to push myself, but I felt good about it. On Caturday, the Miaouw and I walked for two hours to pick up Lola's heart meds. The vet clinic is around 4.5 k from my place, so round trip was 9 k or around 5.5 miles. A good hearty walk. We rewarded ourselves with some EXCELLENT Indian food. Relax, bitches, I counted my points, even then, and ate light that night. On top of this stuff, as always, Derek tortures me twice a week. Whattaguy. So I'm feeling pretty good about the activity.
Boredom and Anxiety: is there a connection?

Hang in there kiddiwinks. Don't the January get you down.
I think there's a lot of teleconferencing going on between the Bored in your head and the Bored in mine. Like, live-feed video conferencing.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually the vice-president of mine -- Mr. Ego is the boss man around this table (Zen-ly speaking)
Yawn. Mr. Ego sure gets boring sometimes.
Anonysnag, siiiiiigh. After posting this blog, I went out to the convenience store across the street. Pondered chips, popcorn, cookies, cereal, licorice... wished for beef jerky, of all things, and settled on butter toffee flavoured cardboard. Cardbored. AKA rice cakes. Fucking rice cakes. Man I am sick of making due with fucking rice cakes. To combat my resentment, I ate 9 points worth in one sitting. Gobble.
ReplyDeleteThe Miaouw IM'd me to bring home booze. I IM'd back that we should get smashed tonight. Bad idea jeans. But that's just where I'm at.
Now desperately trying to motivate self to get caught up on boring stupid asinine work that do not give a fuck about. Wish me luck.
PS wouldn't it be nice if we got government bailout-funded bonuses for sitting on the Bored?
I JUST BOUGHT A JUICER!! I don't get it for a few weeks, but for someone who has eaten one banana as her entire fruit intake this year so far, this is great news. I am a realist. I understand that I will use the juicer for approximately one month, tire of it completely and it will be relegated to the back room after that. But think how healthy I might be for a month! Mmmmm, I'm thinking drinks with radishes, peaches and ginger! Can you put booze directly into a juicer?
ReplyDeleteAlso, starting March 15th, I have joined Good Life. Or Bad Life, as I prefer to think of it.
Next night at the Kilt will be Friday, Jan. 29th. Save your points.
Other than that, I am also bored senseless.
Kisses, kitties!
Barbopolous xo
Yo, Pollyanna here. When ever I feel bored or depressed or some combination of the two, my dear mother voice pops into my head and says "clean the toilets, that always makes me feel better." Then I remember my childhood was fairly skrewey so I immediately search for something else. The cat laying piano video no longer works. Searching out "horse" on youtube can eat up many a minute without using any precious points. Where you go with it is up to you...but some teasers: people with horse in car going through drive through, people falling off of horses, drunk plus horse, you get the idea. It's the people who are stooopid and funny. Then you realize that you could not possibly be bored enough to (a) put a horse in your car and (b) spend the time to make a video of it and (c) post it on youtube.
ReplyDeleteI've stuck with dub-squared for a while and lost enough to be rewarded with them taking away an effing point. Thanks for that bit of encouragement. I do in fact understand the process, but it just seems wrong.
Hang in there and do NOT complain about only losing one pound because the fat-goddess will remind you to be happy about that by adding a pound for your lack of least that's what she does to me. :)
Um, that was PLAYING piano LOLOL.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had read the PLAYING part before (bored out of my mind) I spent 10 minutes looking on You Tube for a video of a cat laying a piano. Too funny...