Sorry for the lengthy hiatus. I reckon yer used to it by now.
So, where were we? Ah, yes – my holiday pledge to you:
I will stick within my points, and if I go over, I will earn them back in Activity Points. (Normally I try not to swap my Activity Points for food if I can help it.) Mostly I just want to not gain weight.
Pffffffffffftttttttt! Okay, obviously I had to say that. I think I am to be admired for telling myself it was a possibility. Or... something.
Well anyway, it was Christmas Eve and the Miaouw and I were driving to Kingston to fellowship with my family on this most cherished of consumer occasions. We fought, he called me a See You Next Thursday, I bawled like a baby and would have insisted he pull over except we were driving on a 4 lane highway at the time, so instead I just cry-shuddered til we got to town and then got him to stop at a gas station where I attempted to clean myself up. He was contrite, but the damage was done. I said, "Let the stress eating BEGIN!" and I never looked back.
And so it was, that the week between Christmas and New Years, plus the weekend following New Years, I was once again OhTeeDub: off the wagon. By the end of the 10 day stretch, my jeans were feeling depressingly snug at the waist again. FOOOOOCCCKK!!! You GUYS! GAH! Well anyway, I didn't weigh myself last week, but I got back to the business at hand, and this morning when I did my Tuesday weigh-in, I find that I am up just 1 pound from my pre-Christmas weight, so all in all, I'm feeling okay.
I am re-committing myself to my night-time running. I ran three miles on Saturday - it took me 37:40 to do it, which is well off my best time, but at least I did it. The other thing I am experimenting with, for as long as I can take it, is not eating my 35 weekly WW flex points (review of the WW Points system) or my Activity Points. So far so good, but if the austerity measures get to feeling too tough and I'm in danger of chucking the whole thing, I will have something to fall back on.
I note with amusement that a year has passed since I started this blog, and my weight is 2 pounds less than it was then. How v. Bridget Jones.
Love to you all and let's love ourselves a little bit more than we did before this year!
Hmph! Well I'm glad I stole his hat then!
ReplyDeleteHope your hols were good otherwise, and only ONE lb??? That's frickin' awesome - seriously! I do feel like some flex points should be waved in the direction of a glass of vino or two though. I reeeeeeaalllyy ought to try the running thing myself, I know I should. Even if it took me two hours to run a km, at least it would be something. Damn this free parking at work.
Cuba would have been lovely had I not spent the entire time trying to hide my beer gut under a string bikini. Ah well, I'm thinking of trying Tabata, and all this thinking I'm doing, well I MUST be losing some weight.
Looking forward to raising a New Year's glass with you!
Harnh, sounds familiar. I shat pounds while drinking the green smoothies and munched them all back with fries, ice cream and other not even especially christmassy foods. I am pluggin in to your enthusiasm (well, your determined cheeriness)and will follow along with you in solidarity and blind hope that this year will be the one. I am remembering what you accomplished last spring!
ReplyDeleteThanks forever and always for sharing your path,
Ur frnd 4evr,
Barb, heh. Yeah, that poor Miaouw is likely to lose the tips of his ears to the cold without his toque. He has a theory about shunning winter clothes as a means of burning calories. I can't stay mad at him as he needs assistance in day-to-day functioning.
ReplyDeleteAs for running... you know, it's a strange thing. I do find that once I get into a habit of doing it regularly, I begin to look forward to it. I should probably stop calling it "running" - it is barely jogging at the speed I go. But you know what? Fuckit. I'm sweating my bawlls off, I'm gonna call it what I like.
I am all for using some flexi points to get drunk with you again. Pre-Christmas was so much fun. Let's do it again soon, if for no other reason than the toque-hand-off.
Snaggest of All, harnh, indeed. Fantastic. Plug right in. I was going to make a self-deprecating remark about the cheeriness being fake, but I find that right now, it is sincere, and primarily because it is so good to hear from you and know you are in it with me. Thank you for sharing with me. It makes all the difference, I promise you.
Now that spring has practically arrived, I'm happy to do the hat-handover. As my last mental image of the evening is of me lying on the sidewalk in front of the bar (laughing, fortunately), please rest assured I wouldn't normally steal items of clothing, but I may have imbibed one too many that night.
ReplyDeleteI'm all about doing it again soon!
Ok. I did post a comment here before, but it was from my iPod so maybe it didn't post. Whatever.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing WW also, and in the first 11 days lost that initial week of 8 or 9 lbs. Woot!
Then this weekend was a bit messed up. I was doing great, no cravings or anything and getting full - I mean really full - on a much smaller serving than I am used to.
This weekend involved lots of eating out because our kitchen is very hard to get to and work in bc of the construction. So, pankakes at Denny's (the whole wheat "better for you" choice. Ha.) I split the "dessert shooter" (which is a small version of a dessert option) with Sidra at dinner, but chose the weight watchers 6 point option at Applebee's. Then had for breakfast yesterday a few tablespoons of Nutella on cut up mixed fruit (yum) and a small handful of tortialla chips and salsa for lunch and then dinner....FRIED CHICKEN bought at the Safeway Deli. GAH.
Ok. So I didn't do too badly...I did indeed have small amounts of those high point foods (except the chicken) and I did paint all weekend, so burned more calories than usual also.
I didn't enter anything either. Gotta spend some time trying to remember what I had all weekend and enter it. See what the damage is.
Today, back on track!
Barb, sorry, way late in responding. Sadly I do not share the mental image of you on the sidewalk! How did I miss that? Perhaps I was lying in the cab at the time. We're such liars!
ReplyDeleteDylan, thanks for the update, lover! I'm loving the admissions. Ah, fuckit, it's all about balance. I do feel that the whole tracking thing is key for me in staying on track. Otherwise I wouldn't have given anymore money to those corporate fucks at Weight Watchers (remember I wrote a blog about their ambush billing once?) Anyway, glad you're back on track and hanging in there. I have been fighting the urge to go way OFF track for the past couple days. So far have not given in. Small victories.
PS I want fried chicken
Someone, somewhere did a study and found there was no ONE way or diet that was successful more than any others, but that the common factor in those who were successful at losing weight and keeping it off was tracking SOMETHING. Counting calories, or carbs, or whatever, but keeping track of SOMETHING. Those were the folks that were successful.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, eh? I believe it.
I've lost 12lbs since I started WW at the beginning of the year.