A couple of times I came close, mentally. But in the end, I gave in to the sin of slothfulness. I was wondering, though. Is sloth really so bad? (I at least did not give in to gluttony. I ate well this week and stayed within my points.) It seems like there should be a scale – GAH! not a scale – a spectrum, as far as the deadly sins are concerned. Greed or wrath or pride all seem kinda worse than just electing to hang out on the green couch for a week. I decided to look it up.
What do you know! My best friend Wikipedia tells me that "sloth is often seen as being considerably less serious than the other sins". RIGHT ON! Oh, hang on a sec. Apparently, in Dante's Purgatory, the penance for sloth was running continuously at top speed. Who knew marathoners were such a bunch of lazy sinners?
So do you think if I promise Dante to do some continuous running next week at... mid speed... that God won't punish me tomorrow with a shitty weigh-in? Paws crossed.
Aside, though: who doesn't envy the life of the sloth? GAH, another deadly sin. Dang.
Er, shopping at the Eaton Centre is part obstacle course (with all the meandering fucksticks) and part contact sport as everyone is lumbering around bumping into each other in winter garb.
ReplyDeleteLola, testify. This is why I walk around in crappy, ill-fitting clothes, feeling terrible about myself, especially in the winter. In fact, my trip to the mall on Sunday was the opposite of sloth, although it probably counts as vanity. Jeez, a sinner can't win with these rules.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I'm a big fan of fur.
ReplyDeleteSinner, eh? Well, you know what Billy Joel would say. Although, the Shrillster defies that logic.
Lindsay, all I have to say for now I am soooo glad to see you back at your blog! I know that I am guilty of missing the month of January but there are reasons for that, none of them good. But delightful to hear your voice again, and to hear of your ongoing willingness to be open, insightful, and share with the world this process you are going through. I too have learned it is not about the numbers. And that said, I will sign off for now but will be on the lookout for your next post!
Diane and
puurrrrrs from
(I am now her official forever guardian!)
I <3 you and all your slothful ways. I'm glad you are here being honest.
ReplyDeleteI exercised 3x last week, 2x the week before and not a single time this week yet. This week starting on Sunday. But maybe I will go do it now. Or maybe not. I'll have to tell you later.
But sloth is totally less sinful then other sins.
ok, so I did it. That is 20 minutes of dance. Which is not 30 of 45 but it is 20 more minutes than I thought I'd do.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your inspiration. I'm feeling good enough.
Lola, I used to know a Shrillster but she got wished to the choir field.
ReplyDeleteDiane! Awesome to hear from you! And especially to hear that you and Abby solidified your bond in a more permanent fashion. I think this process will never be over, so it seems I am doomed to blog about it in perpetuity. It's great to know I'm not alone in the perpetuation!
Taar, you dancing fool! Fan flippin tastic! You broke the curse of this week! Way to go. My new week begins tomorrow, so I will take your 20 minutes as a shining example of making small changes that add up to moral victories and hopefully numeric ones. Not that we care about such things.
I find sloths amazing and am a bit of a super sloth myself. Seeing you all work out so much is making me feel a little guilty. The gym has a Valentine's day sale every year. Kind of like for people who can't get a date... Heheeh.
ReplyDeleteDal, doll, who all is "you all"? Pretty much the only exercise confessor here is Taar, who danced for 20 minutes. I mean, I'm effin impressed with her, don't get me wrong, given my own sluggishness, but really, no need to feel guilty in the face of us!!
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, we all have big plans to amp it up, so, for sure, join the gym and report back on your progress in actually using the damn membership. Solidarity, sloth sisters!
This Qat was trudging in 4"+ of fresh snow. That was a workout. Snowshoeing or x-country skiing, anyone?
ReplyDeleteWET PAW!
ReplyDeleteUpdate: Haven't joined yet but drank wine at work to reward myself for all the hard work completed. Will walk home 30 blocks and walk by the gym tomorrow. I will definitely be back for a boost.