Friday, January 14, 2011


Okay, not so much triumphant as peeking around stealthily and sneaking in when I figure nobody's looking. If only I didn't have this EXTRA 25 POUNDS TO HIDE.

I am serious, yo. It pains me to admit it, but it's best for me to admit it. Somehow, during the fall, I gained back all the weight I had lost plus another 10. I mean, not "some" how - I know how, but even so, it was shocking when I finally mustered the courage to get on the scale again last week. I am the heaviest I have ever been. Nothing fits. I had to buy new, size XL underwear even. I had to buy new jeans. (I went to Old Navy and grabbed a pair of size 16 jeans, did not even try them on, and dejectedly headed back to my foodcave. Luckily/unluckily, they fit.) This was in December. Pre-Christmas, even! GAH.

Yeah, so. Nothing new under the sun as Shakes the Clown once said. I've been writing this blog for two years, on and off. Taken as a whole, it paints a pretty good picture of the life of a yo-yo dieter. Feel free to send all your fat, forlorn friends here, who may need to understand they are not alone.

Wha happen???
So I gave up on JC around mid-summer, I think. In the fall, I kept trying to get back in the groove, and made several arrested attempts to address my ever-burgeoning belly. Nothing was working for me and it was as if I was watching myself get bigger and bigger and bigger, feeling helpless and almost even resigned to it. Terrible feeling.

At Christmas, I included Geneen Roth's Breaking Free from Emotional Eating in a bulk shopping order, for myself. I've been carrying it around from room to room. Last weekend I even read a couple pages. We are getting to know each other first, before committing to anything serious. Conquering this stuff is a marathon, not a sprint. Okay, that's two different metaphors in one paragraph.

My fear about committing to reading the book is silly, but here it is: I feel like, you're supposed to eschew all notions of dieting if you want to get over the compulsive eating thing. But I don't want to be this fat! I want to get thin and THEN get over my compulsive eating. Which I know is counter-intuitive. You don't need to tell me! It's okay. I am living with the fear, making friends with it, disarming it with my charm. (Maybe that's why it's taking so long?) When I'm ready to go there, I will.

Meantime... Weight Watchers!
I decided to give it yet another go. This time, I am going to meetings, not just tracking online. I don't know if I'll stick around at the actual meetings - I tend to look for support through the online communities I am a part of, including this outlet (hint, hint) - but I find it helps me to stay on track if I am accountable to a Scale Nazi.

The new program rocks. FRUIT IS FREE! It's still about points, but the points are calculated differently, with more emphasis on foods that are protein and fibre rich. Foods with a lot of carbs have more points than they used to. Ironically, this no longer applies to the complex carbs found in fruits. It's fantastic.

I lost 6.8 pounds in the first week, which was very encouraging. Of course I feel the need to add the proviso that I always lose big in the first week. We shall see how it goes moving forward. One thing I will say is that I am going to make a concerted effort to avoid the "party on the weekend" mentality that was slowing my progress down in the past. Used to be I got weighed on Saturday mid-morning and then ate everything in sight the rest of the day. Bad idea jeans. I suspect it was affecting my metabolism.


I'm back!


  1. Good for you! I am doing WW to get ready for a certain June love party. I weigh in on Monday morning to help decrease that weekend issue. We can cheer each other one. I have not had as good of a drop as you, but I have also been killing myself at the gym so I blame muscle gain. Unlike my sweetie who keeps his svelte figure naturally ;) Keep it up!

  2. Hey Nikki! Thanks for commenting! That's great we're both doing this. The more the sweatier! I have a lot more to lose than you so that may also be a factor in my huge first week number. I only got to the gym twice last week - totally need to amp it up. But that's okay, it's good to build momentum.

    Anyway, WORD, and cheers!

    PS re: your svelte man-hunk, Ken still marvels at the hot dog he (chico) got at Granville Island, smothered with three pieces of bacon. We both wish we could eat like that. Is it like the picture of Dorian Gray or something? Is there a portrait of a seriously rotund chico stored away in an attic somewhere???

  3. You are not alone. All that hard work in the summer, I have gained it all back and some. I'm with you.

  4. There's nothing like a Shakes the Clown reference! How many WW points does peanut butter have? Keep up the good accountability.

  5. I totally adore you. Sometimes I think God gave us these bodies so as not to completely discourage and intimidate everyone around us because of how completely we PWN in all other categories.

  6. Okay, in case it wasn't apparent, my reply above was to LYNDSEY, not Mr. Peanut Butter Pussy.

    Shakes, thanks for the support. A gal takes it where she can get it.

  7. Don't forget that Kathy Griffin's peach flan has zero WW points.

  8. Shakes, you are a fount of useful information! Wonder if the recipe is available online.

  9. My dear good madame, I feel that perchance I have led you down the proverbial primrose path towards what appears to be an accretion of two-and-a-half catsweights. My sincerest apologies, as I know I can be, indeed, a master of SABOTAGE.

  10. It's been said that this song title was the inspiration for Geneen Roth's book.

  11. Hey linnyqat~ I feel your pain, literally. Ever since pneumonia in March/April and still lethargic/weak into May I gained about 15 pounds. EVEN with my hiking. I've been afraid to weigh though everything is tight or doesn't fit. Dieting is such a fucking tiresome horse to keep climbing back on to.

    I'm not looking to place blame elsewhere though I do have a thyroid problem so maybe that has contributed to this issue. I'll find out next month when I have my annual physical. Gaaah indeed!

    You are still my role model Ms. LinnyQ and don't you forget it. Love to you and the cuddly Qat!

    Cookie ~ xo

  12. darling cookie!! So sorry to hear about your illness. God, it sounds like a lot of us have gained weight during my hiatus. I know you're not looking to place blame, but maybe it's MY fault, for abandoning you all! Never fear, I am back, and this time there is more of me to go around.

    Seriously, despite my sheepishness regarding the Sisyphusian nature of the struggle writ large on teh internets, I am glad I put it out there and found out I wasn't alone. I hope you can take some small comfort in that.

    As for fitness, energy levels and general wellness, on to today's blog topic...

    xoxoxo - I SO appreciate you!

  13. Linds-- Just checking to see if this works---xomom

  14. Hi you strong one! Congrats on your success and keep up the awesome work! xomom

  15. That's my mom, folks! She is a COMPUTER WHIZ.
