Monday, June 21, 2010

Jun 21: "Birthday Week"

Stumblers upon,

First things first, I will relieve you of your hopping crossed-leg feeling of anxiety and assure you that I lost a pound this week and have now crossed from one meaningless family of numbers to another. Weight: 149.4; total lost: 21.6 pounds. Good on me.

Saturday I came back from the weigh-in to surprise pizza and wings. In the afternoon! Insane. Saturdays are a day of gluttony and indulgence in my household. It's kinda disgusting but it is one of life's small pleasures.

Anyway, Sunday I got back on the horse, until I came home from the shopping mall and felt like eating ice cream and such. Then take out Thai for dinner, followed by macademia nut cookies and All Dressed. Yiiiiikes. Food coma. Two nights in a row of this crap is a punishment. The Miaouw reassures me: "It's Birthday Week!" The Miaouw loves a good week of totally insane eating and gluttony as much as the next guy. More than most guys, actually. Last year we had TWO cakes on my birthday. Cake is one of my all-time favourite things to binge on, but even so, that was an embarrassing amount of cake. I am going to put my foot down this year with the Miaouw, though. One king size cake only.

It is interesting, though, going through a night of bingeing and watching myself from my Samantha-from-Bewitched perch at the top of the room. You can't read a book about eating awareness and then engage in compulsive eating without some degree of cringeing/shoulder shrugging. I tell myself it is okay to do anything that I want to do as long as I choose to do it with awareness. Sometimes awareness is something I fight against, I think. Tricky stuff.

Anyway, off to do booty-busting penance tonight.


  1. this weekend i ate so many french fries, a mcdonalds burger and topped it off with two "hot circles of garbage" (aka dominos pizza).

    worth it!

  2. wratha! How much do you rule? THISMUCH! THISMUCH RULING!!! Thanks for sounding the piggy horn right alongside me. We drown each others out, and nobody out there has to be the wiser, you dig?

    "Hot circles of garbage" - beautiful (ours was PizzaPizza; same diff)

  3. Getting into the forties as you get into your forties! Or something like that. I thought maybe that was a clever thing to say but perhaps not...
    At any rate, congrats on the continued loss of poundage!
    Being aware really sucks ass sometimes. I find I'm kind of mourning the loss of being able to indulge in some serious escapism. Even though I do feel less inclined to indulge in the "bad" things that have always brought me comfort in the past, I've yet to get good alternatives in place. But I'm working on it. Sorta. Or at least I'll get back to it right after this delicious piece of pie...
    Happy commencement of your Birthday Week!

  4. happy birthday week!

    now, go work out.


  5. Joy, I was just thinking when I read your comment about how this blog commits the two cardinal sins of advancing womanhood: I admit to both my age AND my weight. What a hopeless case.

    Anyway, man, do I hear you on mourning the loss of blissful ignorance. Getting my bike out for a ride last weekend really reminded me of how much I LOVE cycling, being near the water, taking in the life-and-vitamin-D-giving sunshine and absorbing the piercing blue of the sky and the water. Now THAT's a "good" form of escapism, for me.

    I don't know if I'll ever stop running away with food as my lover. The foodsex is so good. But I do find the behaviour has diminished in the last few years as my awareness grows.

    Thanks for the wishes!

    Trish, go work out at 7:30 a.m.? Fat chance. No offense to fat people. BUT, I did do the BootyCamp last night, and even though there was a point at which I thought to myself, "I hate this. Why did I sign up? I am never signing up for this again," that moment passed and I got through the class and felt good about it. Tonight I might run. I mean, I will run, but it might turn out to me that I might run.

    Thanks for saying hey. It's good to hear from you!

  6. I agree with the Miaow, it's your birthday week. Besides, you lost a pound. Good on ya!

  7. Congratulations on the weight loss, but I am horrified that I missed your birthday! Oh Lindsay! It sounds like you had a wonderful time, and I wish you only the most interesting enlightening and joyous adventures in the year ahead! Love from Diane. xox
