Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aug 29: Aaah, heh heh... whoops?

Last night I OD'ed on Atkins bars. I guess it could have been worse. I still have bars left today. Also I didn't go out and indulge in actual carbicide. (The bars are 2-3 net carbs each, which makes the whole thing pretty low impact, big picture speaking.) I sure thought about it. But I just kept thinking about all that sugar running through my veins, how sick I would probably feel (how sick I already felt), and ultimately I talked myself out of it. Victory in the face of defeat (she mutters grimly).

The thing is, these bars are packed with dietary fibre. Like, between 8 and 11 grams each. And... I kinda lost track of how many I ate at around... um... 7. So after I hoovered the last two, I sat back and clutched my sated belly and endured a night of romance-killing gas. Delightful.

The best (read: crazymakingest) part was that this morning I was down half a pound. I was LOL at my scale.


  1. PS I am still doing very well with ditching the aspartame. I did have a Diet Coke with dinner tonight - I was out at a Vietnamese restaurant with a friend and I felt like I wanted something more than water to wash down the yummy grilled pork and shrimp.

    PPS I resisted the TWO CUPS OF DELICIOUSH WHITE RICE. Yay, me!

  2. Now you know why I like to be on my avoid the methane! I'm still awaiting my puma diet!

  3. I'm not sure it's such a good idea to encourage the puma in you.

  4. My own personal LOL scale moment: Today I found myself on my scale while EATING A SLICE OF PIZZA. It was like I went into some weird trance and woke up looking from the number on the scale to the piece of pizza thinking, "What the hell am I doing?!?!?(interrobang infinity)

    Keep on keeping on, my friend.

  5. Holy jeez, stop everything. My world has been turned upside down. I'm gonna hack the site and insert a picture of you on the page for "hero".

    I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!

  6. I know this. I like to pop a prune or two. Once in a while I forget what they are and pop 10 of them. So tasty! Then I pay.


  7. Patti, prunes! Never got into 'em. Probably much better for you than Atkins bars. Do they make you fart long and loud in bed, or worse, SBD in meetings? Uggghh.

    0verq@t you incorrigible fuzzball! Just keep it in the litter box and we're okay.
