Just thought I'd check in, say hey, extend the paw. Jenny serves me well - I lost another pound last week, word. The Cancer Ladies also serve me well - my cardio capacity seems to be improving, as are my run times. I did 3 miles on Sunday in 35 minutes and change, and then two days later I did the same run in 34:12. Tonight after work is a 2 mile run with the gals. I expect to huff and puff and hate every minute of it, but running with faster folks seems to be pushing me to extremes I wouldn't do on my own.

Anyway, every once in awhile somebody stumbles onto this blog as a result of a wayward Google search. By far the most popular entry for non-recruits is the one I wrote last April about the Google Maps pedometer. Somehow it got indexed by Google, and now shows up at the bottom of the first page of results when people search on "google maps pedometer". Hunh! Well I hope it's been helpful.
For shits 'n' gigs, I looked at the search terms used over the past year that brought people here (one at a time, for the most part). Here are some faves:
- "president's choice" + decadent chocolate chip cookie
So referenced in the comments section of a blog asking what foods people cannot keep in their homes for fear of total annihilation within hours. - crazy lola say: i don't know what to say, he cheated on me with some girl for 5 months
This one made me laugh my ass off. So random. - fondle my biceps
Right on! I love that somebody searched this term, and that they came to my photo with the marked up biceps. - i really hate myself
Sad. I hope whoever searched on that term stopped feeling that way. Glad to say I did. (Not to say I didn't return to that feeling, but thankfully it's not a permanent condition.) - im 19 and bored (related: im frucking bored and depressed)
Wonder if Iggy Pop helped ease the pain for these two? - stale cereal calories
Another winner for the Cereal Killer post! Did the person searching these terms think stale cereal had fewer calories? The food is dehydrated, therefore less fluid, therefore less mass? Wow, I could be like a science genius. - what is the meaning for the sentence "hotter than i should be"
I love it when I am able to answer the tough questions for people. - mandibular disfunktion
This one had me stumped until I checked the comments section. My girl Cookie was referencing Temporo-Mandibular Joint disfunction. I had never heard of it when she mentioned it, and promptly forgot all about it until just now. And once I finish writing this sentence, I'll forget about it again. Did you say something?
Well alright, that was fun. Time to get back to work. Fondle your Google today!
For some reason I too, have stopped getting notifications of new blog posts. What's up with that? Bums me out to --------> there.