What's the word, now word up? Rhetorical question. Okay, so, how's everybody doing in the Battle of the Bulbousness? Are you sweating and grunting your way through thrice weekly workouts? Training for a marathon of aerobic smugness? Contemplating the idea of one day maybe taking the stairs? Forsaking second breakfast and feeling that's good enough for now? Some where in between? Let me know. Let us aaaaaallll know. Here at D-Weighted, we do not judge. Well, we judge, but not openly. Kidding, kidding! I keed because I love. You know that.
So, you want to know about me? How kind. Since you clicked, I will tell you. My last weigh in, on Caturday, was a little disappointing. I gained .2 of a pound. (How do you say that? "Point two of a pound"? If I was quick on the uptake I would say "a fifth of a pound" but calculation doesn't come as fast as the chatter. I mean, it's fine when you're blogging, but... 'k I'm bored with this aside.) So yeah. Up a fifth. Whatever, it's pretty insignificant and I'm not crying myself to sleep on my huge pillow or anything. But it always sucks to gain, especially when you ran four times that week and observed the Rules of Jenny.
Well, except for the previous Saturday night, when I polished off most of a bottle of wine, some cheese, a couple of one-bite brownies, and 2 pieces of Popeye's chicken w/ fries on the way home. Okay, when you put it that way, dang. It didn't seem so bad at the time. Maybe the double digit blood alcohol level affected my perspective (and my willpower) a smidge.
Even without the Saturday slip, I feel like my body is starting to dig in its heels (um, I am digging in my heels... but like, metaphorically... whatever). Plateaus [plateaux?] are inevitable and all one can do is suffer through them. When I've done all I can do (okay, not ALL, but a Saturday night slip once in awhile is called "living") in terms of eating right and exercising, I just have to feel okay about the fact that I'm healthy and this sort of fluctuation is out of my control.
This weekend I'm headed home for Easter with the fambly. My mom is also doing Jenny so that might help me stay straight. We shall see. Hope to get out for a hike with the Miaouw on Good Friday - the forecast is a glorious 25°C / 77°F and sunny. Bonus: my shorts fit again. And I will pack my running gear, try to get in a run on Saturday or Sunday morning. I asked/cajoled my brother about an Easter Egg hunt on Sunday morning. Being the younger sibling, it of course pissed me off the year my mom decided she'd had enough of hiding eggs. He got three more years of hunts! I threw a tantrum which resulted in my 16 year old brother buying two cartons of real-egg-size chocolate eggs and hiding them in the most elaborate, impossible spots imaginable. I think we were still finding eggs 3 years later. Anyway, he has two late-teens to frustrate and delight with his torturing skills this year. If there is a Hunt, I will present them with any of my kills, as a cat presents her mistress with the still-twitching small bird of the backyard.
Happy Easter or Passover or non-religious enjoyment of a Stat Holiday, everyone!
Happy Family Fun Time. Seems like yesterday you wrote about the first time you were taking Qat home for a holiday. Old school so fast.
ReplyDeleteI expect to add some poundage over this holiday. Like Xmas, it's mostly about the food regardless of religious persuasion or affiliation. At the annual Pap & probe, I was astounded to be told that I had lost close to 20# since the previous year. Sigh, close to half has come back since ensuing holidays and dinner parties and all that chocolate on sale.
Enjoy yourself. Make merry. Remember what the door mouse said, keep your head.
Im telling myself a healthy mind begats healthy body and sticking with that.
ReplyDeleteAt our Biggest Loser Competition in Animcal Control I am coming in last. Save the coworker who left his wife and dropped out bc it was all too much to deal with.
Seems that around the first week in feb my diet - always good, but had been better - creeped back to normal and the activity slowed way down since the house reno was mostly done.
I have decided that I really need to up my activity. Which I have not done.
So after losing 14lbs since the first of the year I have gained 4 back since mid Feb.
I have a freakin' elliptical in my house and I just need to GET ON IT daily. No other changes really need be made. As far as I'm concerned anyway. I mean, I could deny myself some things and lose faster, but I dun wanna. Exercise. That's my goal - DAILY. I can carve out the time.
Linds, I (sucker) just lost twenty minutes of my life listening to the seemingly endless Fat Burning Furnace spiel, which purports to not be part of the diet industry. Only $69.99 and I could have had the *real* way to lose pounds permanently.
ReplyDeleteI'm left thinking that your jogging and walking are free and easy to access, yep. So what if it's seasonal? Six months of slothdom and vice-eating is better than twelve! Thanks for keeping us posted.
Tomorrow I'll walk five out and five back in. It's a start.
Tell your rump-lover that I'm talking up his project here in these parts.
Patti, "remember what the door mouse said"? You know, in my head when I was just re-typing that strange little phrase, I thought it sounded familiar, like maybe a song lyric I never understood.
ReplyDeleteTime out for Google...
AH! Right. White Rabbit. Except the line is FEED your head. Which is kind of the opposite of KEEP your head, in this context. Ah-whoopsie! Heh. Adorable. Thanks for the well-wishies. Hope you had fun this weekend. I ate lots of chocolate; screw the Dormouse.
Dylan, down 10 pounds is still a very decent outcome! As for upping the activity, I have found that - for me, anyway - it is all about getting into a routine, or a habit. Once I start doing it regularly, I start to get into it, want to challenge myself and improve, and then I attack it with more vigour. Initially, I set myself small, achievable goals, like, I'm just going to do this cardio machine for 15 minutes, but I'm going to do it 4 times a week. And then slowly increase the amount of time I do it, and/or the speed/intensity I use, etc.
If you have an elliptical in your house, totally set it up near a TV or your computer or something and just zone out! The TV in my condo's activity room is stuck on one channel - frigging HNN; the only thing on at night is Nancy Grace or Joy Behar - so I don't use it anymore. I used to watch one hour episodes of my fave shows while I did the elliptical down there several times a week, back when I was 30 pounds lighter.
Anyway, I think you're doing awesome. You've got a lot going on. Very awesome you've kept up with the yoga and seen improvements there. And cycling weather is upon us!
Puny, oooh, I've neer heard of the Fat Burning Furnace! *runs off to watch infomercial online*
No, no, I didn't. But I may. I loves me a painless quick fix that also satisfies the consumer yearning to spend money. Do you ever get that weird feeling of satisfaction when you spend money? My mom used to talk about buying crap she didn't want or need, back when she was depressed. Anyway.
I like your six months-one half dozen take! For sure, some is better than none. Thanks for the encouragement. xoxo
That weird satisfaction when I spend money? Like, shya. It's totally the same (temporary) satisfaction that comes when I nosh on bad stuff. Or watch movies one after the other, in escapist marathons. Oh yeah, I know the jones for shopping and spending. But that's why I loved Iqaluit and Sutton. No shops to tempt or distract me. Unfortunately there are grocery stores and video stores.
ReplyDeleteSo, I can save you the trouble of a spending/guilt cycle: the FBF thing is about weight-lifting. I checked it out on the Web. If you're going to the gym, you're already doing the right thing. So their miracle cure angle is a farce. Surprise.
Linds, the "keep" was intentional. No problem tho. - P
ReplyDeleteP, well dang, it didn't work! Ah well. Remember what the linnyqat said: "screw the Dormouse". xoxoxox!
ReplyDeleteSnag, thanks for the update re: Money Burning Furnace. Quel shock! Je suis formidable. Zut alors!
Take THAT, Frenchie!