So as of 4:31 p.m. today, I am on vacation. (... right; s'pose I should wait til then to write a new blog...)
I'm flying out to the Couve, where I shall meet my Miaouw for nine days of adventure. We are visiting the fabulous Chico and his mysterious Lady N, my Nana, and the beloved Dylan, driving through some of Canada's most beautiful scenery, and leaving a trail of mayhem and rubble in our wake. WORD!
Normally I get tortured twice a week by Derek, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Since I'm leaving tonight, I thought I'd be getting by this week with just the one session on the rack. However, Master Pain very helpfully offered to abuse me on Thursday instead of Saturday. So on Wednesday we did upper body and last night we did legs and core and today I am feeling it.
So anyway... Derek asked me what my plan was for my vacation. I'm like, sit on my ass in the car and eat chips? Wrong answer. He says I have to do a one hour workout of similar intensity to what I do with him, FOUR times while I'm away. If I don't, he says he's gonna make me come in three times a week, instead of two, for the next four weeks, to make up for it. Meanwhile, I am paying this twerp for the extra sessions. But whatever. I loves me a throwdown.
We're staying at a HoJo's while in Vancouver (just the weekend), so I plan to work out for an hour in the fitness room on Saturday and Sunday. After that, I'm thinking strenuous hikes with the Miaouw a couple of times ought to do the trick. Failing that, I might go running.
So who's with me? Come on you schlubs! Help me out, help yourselves out! Pledge to get busy 4 times between now and next Sunday! Report back here! I will check in with you and we will hold each other accountable! Let's stick it to Derek!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 20: The high cost of gaining weight
Hey fwiendz...
I continue to struggle, but I valiantly fight on. I don't want to talk about my weight. I did muster the courage to get on the scale this morning. Bah. Well, I am working out with Derek tonight and tomorrow night, so I'm gonna check again on Friday. This will allow me a short period of time to bask in my hoped-for success before hopping on a plane to Vancouver on Friday night, where I will meet up with my very special Miaouw for a week of cavorting and eating crap in restaurants and sitting for long days in a car and thinking about maybe going for a run but opting for lying on the hotel bed instead. Okay, okay, I know, positive thinking!
Anyway. I wanted to talk a bit about how much it costs to be a binge eater. When I went for a brief six week treatment class after being diagnosed with binge eating disorder several years ago, one of the things they wanted us to do was to track our binges. I was surprised that one of the columns in the handout they gave us was to list the cost of the food consumed. Hunh. I really hadn't ever thought about it before, but for sure, writing it all down, I definitely started to see how costly it can be.
The thing is, when I give in to the dark call of the binge, I am acting on a compulsion. Logic, reason, thoughtfulness and planning go out the window. I don't think about the cost of any of it, I just want to get the stuff, get home and consume it. The less I have to think about it, the better. As you regular readers know, one of my favourite binge items is chocolates. Not just "chocolate". But like, a box of chocolates. (The variety pleases me.) So, I have become very knowledgeable about the various brands of chocolates out there (in the Canadian market anyway) and I do have my favourites. I like the Laura Secord miniatures, in part because they're all delicious (no coconut crap or disgusting oozy cherry shit in there), and also because the box is "only" 150 g (about 5.3 oz), so I don't feel as guilty eating the whole thing. Lately I have been indulging in the Hershey Pot of Gold milk chocolates, which used to be 454 g (GAH! 1 pound) but are now packaged as 283 g (a caloric bargain at only 10 oz).
(In case you wonder about eating an entire box of chocolates in one sitting, or perhaps two, if it's a one pound box, this is the nature of binge eating. I eat to satisfy the craving, and then when I start to feel sick, I continue eating to a) punish myself for being such a disgusting pig; and b) get rid of the stuff so I can start fresh the next day.)
Well anyway. The Laura Secord miniatures are $10 a box. Which I don't even register when I am wanting to binge. The cost means nothing to me. If I have several days in a row of "bad eating", I will look back at my credit card statement and see charges for $20-$40 for each day. At least.
I used to think that eating healthy food was pricey, especially in terms of the cost of fresh produce. And I know that there are all kinds of studies that say people from lower socio-economic means in our culture are trending towards obesity, in part because fast food is so much cheaper than healthy food. But for me, I spend way less money on food when I am eating right.
Food for thought. Heh.
I continue to struggle, but I valiantly fight on. I don't want to talk about my weight. I did muster the courage to get on the scale this morning. Bah. Well, I am working out with Derek tonight and tomorrow night, so I'm gonna check again on Friday. This will allow me a short period of time to bask in my hoped-for success before hopping on a plane to Vancouver on Friday night, where I will meet up with my very special Miaouw for a week of cavorting and eating crap in restaurants and sitting for long days in a car and thinking about maybe going for a run but opting for lying on the hotel bed instead. Okay, okay, I know, positive thinking!
Anyway. I wanted to talk a bit about how much it costs to be a binge eater. When I went for a brief six week treatment class after being diagnosed with binge eating disorder several years ago, one of the things they wanted us to do was to track our binges. I was surprised that one of the columns in the handout they gave us was to list the cost of the food consumed. Hunh. I really hadn't ever thought about it before, but for sure, writing it all down, I definitely started to see how costly it can be.
The thing is, when I give in to the dark call of the binge, I am acting on a compulsion. Logic, reason, thoughtfulness and planning go out the window. I don't think about the cost of any of it, I just want to get the stuff, get home and consume it. The less I have to think about it, the better. As you regular readers know, one of my favourite binge items is chocolates. Not just "chocolate". But like, a box of chocolates. (The variety pleases me.) So, I have become very knowledgeable about the various brands of chocolates out there (in the Canadian market anyway) and I do have my favourites. I like the Laura Secord miniatures, in part because they're all delicious (no coconut crap or disgusting oozy cherry shit in there), and also because the box is "only" 150 g (about 5.3 oz), so I don't feel as guilty eating the whole thing. Lately I have been indulging in the Hershey Pot of Gold milk chocolates, which used to be 454 g (GAH! 1 pound) but are now packaged as 283 g (a caloric bargain at only 10 oz).
(In case you wonder about eating an entire box of chocolates in one sitting, or perhaps two, if it's a one pound box, this is the nature of binge eating. I eat to satisfy the craving, and then when I start to feel sick, I continue eating to a) punish myself for being such a disgusting pig; and b) get rid of the stuff so I can start fresh the next day.)
Well anyway. The Laura Secord miniatures are $10 a box. Which I don't even register when I am wanting to binge. The cost means nothing to me. If I have several days in a row of "bad eating", I will look back at my credit card statement and see charges for $20-$40 for each day. At least.
I used to think that eating healthy food was pricey, especially in terms of the cost of fresh produce. And I know that there are all kinds of studies that say people from lower socio-economic means in our culture are trending towards obesity, in part because fast food is so much cheaper than healthy food. But for me, I spend way less money on food when I am eating right.
Food for thought. Heh.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12: Some days I really hate myself
... sigh...
Fresh off the triumph comes the inevitable tumble into Shitsville, it seems. I don't know, guys. Why am I like this? I hate it. I hate me. On Sunday everything was going along fine, I shot footage for a video update, I had lost a couple of pounds, finally back in the 140s, was headed out to do some shopping and get some new jeans and such... and then... wha' happen?
Epic fail. Je ne understand pas. I started thinking about chocolates and soon nothing would deter me. On the way home I stopped and bought healthy groceries (good work) and then made another stop and got chocolates. Went home and ate the chocolates plus whatever else I could get my greasy paws on.
Then yesterday I was like, okay, that was a blip, back in form today. I went to work, hated my job, started thinking about chocolates again... and then I stopped on the way home from work, bought chocolates and some other shit, then on the way home from that stop, I saw a McDonalds and thought, what the fuck, and went in there too. It's like, I just went into this spiralling behaviour. This morning I didn't want to get out of bed. But I thought, what good is calling in sick going to do? What would you do instead? Lie around and cry about what a fat pig you are and then go eat some more? I went to work. I plan to run tonight after work, and to not eat crap again. Sometimes these things, they just run their course. Sometimes if I spend too much time consciously trying to talk myself out of it, I just end up spending more time in it. Whatever "it" is. I just know that I feel like shit, only want to sleep, feel like a failure, hate myself for wallowing, etc, etc.
I also know that this feeling won't last forever and I'll be back on the horse again soon. I don't know, maybe I just need to feel the lows in order to feel the highs. Maybe I'm just wired this way.
Do any of you guys relate?

Fresh off the triumph comes the inevitable tumble into Shitsville, it seems. I don't know, guys. Why am I like this? I hate it. I hate me. On Sunday everything was going along fine, I shot footage for a video update, I had lost a couple of pounds, finally back in the 140s, was headed out to do some shopping and get some new jeans and such... and then... wha' happen?
Epic fail. Je ne understand pas. I started thinking about chocolates and soon nothing would deter me. On the way home I stopped and bought healthy groceries (good work) and then made another stop and got chocolates. Went home and ate the chocolates plus whatever else I could get my greasy paws on.
Then yesterday I was like, okay, that was a blip, back in form today. I went to work, hated my job, started thinking about chocolates again... and then I stopped on the way home from work, bought chocolates and some other shit, then on the way home from that stop, I saw a McDonalds and thought, what the fuck, and went in there too. It's like, I just went into this spiralling behaviour. This morning I didn't want to get out of bed. But I thought, what good is calling in sick going to do? What would you do instead? Lie around and cry about what a fat pig you are and then go eat some more? I went to work. I plan to run tonight after work, and to not eat crap again. Sometimes these things, they just run their course. Sometimes if I spend too much time consciously trying to talk myself out of it, I just end up spending more time in it. Whatever "it" is. I just know that I feel like shit, only want to sleep, feel like a failure, hate myself for wallowing, etc, etc.
I also know that this feeling won't last forever and I'll be back on the horse again soon. I don't know, maybe I just need to feel the lows in order to feel the highs. Maybe I'm just wired this way.
Do any of you guys relate?
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
May 6: video highlights from Sporting Life 10k run
Hi guys!
Okay, I finally finished the damn video. I mean, the blessed video. One thing I didn't really explain in the video is the lack of footage of me finishing. (I kind of explained it already in my last blog when I mentioned the Miaouw's epic battle with the TTC...)
Anyway, yeah, my cameraman was unable to get to the finish line in time, what with my lightening fast speed combined with the epic fail of Toronto's public transit system on Sunday mornings. I felt so bad about that; after he'd made certain he could be here for the race and everything. Well, his presence here all week was wonderful and we had a blast and I was so grateful to have him here. He is making noises about joining me for the Toronto Island 10k run in September. Cool!
Anyway, blah, blah, blah, here's the viddie!
Okay, I finally finished the damn video. I mean, the blessed video. One thing I didn't really explain in the video is the lack of footage of me finishing. (I kind of explained it already in my last blog when I mentioned the Miaouw's epic battle with the TTC...)
Anyway, yeah, my cameraman was unable to get to the finish line in time, what with my lightening fast speed combined with the epic fail of Toronto's public transit system on Sunday mornings. I felt so bad about that; after he'd made certain he could be here for the race and everything. Well, his presence here all week was wonderful and we had a blast and I was so grateful to have him here. He is making noises about joining me for the Toronto Island 10k run in September. Cool!
Anyway, blah, blah, blah, here's the viddie!
Monday, May 04, 2009
May 4: I am the champion!
Hey guys, sorry I didn't post an update yesterday. I was hoping to have the video done, but there's a lot of editing needed because I'm adding subtitles to half the footage because it was so loud and the sound on the Miaouw's camera is not the greatest.
Anyway, I will post a blog with the video later. Possibly tonight.
So, the big event! I made it! I finished in a time that was faster than my best-hoped-for time. Unbelievable. Awhile back during training, I ran 5 miles in 59:48, which I thought was really great, because I was able to average 5 miles an hour, even with walking breaks. So with that time in mind (and the run being 1.2 miles short of a 10k), I calculated that if I could maintain that speed on race day, I could finish in 75 minutes.
Then I went to California and tried running outside in the gently rolling hills of Orinda. I'd been training all winter on a treadmill, and I hadn't even done any hill training on the machines at the gym because I was focussing on achieving distance. I have some kind of weird block about running outside, so I kept putting off doing any training outdoors. The California runs were a disaster; I gave up after 2k on the first day, and 1.5 k on the next. It was very disheartening. So I revised my estimated race day time. I thought, 75 minutes would be OUTSTANDING, 80 minutes would be really good, but most likely I would wind up somewhere between 80-85 minutes if my running in Orinda was any indication of how I ran outdoors.
So, guess what my time was. GUESS! Okay I'll tell you. I finished in 1:09:07. Yes, that's 69 minutes – faster than I ever imagined I would or could go at this point in my running ability. I know it's still pretty slow for a lot of people, but I was absolutely thrilled with the time. I felt pretty strong out there; I even ran up the few hills the course presented with relative ease. It was just freakin awesome.
A huge, massive shout out to my girl Christy, for getting up on a Sunday morning and dragging herself down to Yonge & Elm and giving me the best high five of my life and screaming and cheering for me as I passed. I wish I could have stopped to hug her. Next time we see each other, I'm gonna hug the stuffin outta you!!!
And of course, huge shout out as well to my Miaouw, for waking me up (almost missed the whole damn thing because I forgot to turn the volume up on my clock radio), going up to the starting line with me, and then struggling valiantly for the next hour and a half to make it to the finish line, though the TTC fought him at every turn. (The Yonge subway does not start operating on Sundays until 9 a.m., and of course the Yonge bus was being diverted -- all the way over to freakin Avenue Rd -- because Yonge St was closed for the race.) So, he didn't get to see me cross the finish line, but then again, all my fretting while I waited and waited and waited to be herded out with all the other runners to the exit was for naught, since he wasn't even there yet anyway. Seriously, it's totally ridiculous how they have the end of the race set up. You cross the finish line, totally psyched, and then there's this massive line up ahead of you of thousands of runners, walking at a snail's pace, if that, waiting to get our medals and then pass through the eye of the needle to the "post race party" (as if). It was totally insane. There wasn't even a water stand until I'd been waiting in line for 15 minutes. And by the time I was finally out of there, my legs were cramping from lack of stretching.
Well, whatever, who cares. We found each other, wandered around Harbourfront for the next hour and a bit, and had a victor's brunch at the Richtree Market in the BCE place. Then we went home and I napped for 3 hours.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you who've encouraged me to do this. And most especially to those who pledged my fundraising efforts for Camp Oochigeas. I didn't promote it at all, just through this blog, and even so managed to raise $300 for kids with cancer to go to camp and have a great summer. Everybody wins (but I am the champion, my friends)!
More later...
Anyway, I will post a blog with the video later. Possibly tonight.
So, the big event! I made it! I finished in a time that was faster than my best-hoped-for time. Unbelievable. Awhile back during training, I ran 5 miles in 59:48, which I thought was really great, because I was able to average 5 miles an hour, even with walking breaks. So with that time in mind (and the run being 1.2 miles short of a 10k), I calculated that if I could maintain that speed on race day, I could finish in 75 minutes.
Then I went to California and tried running outside in the gently rolling hills of Orinda. I'd been training all winter on a treadmill, and I hadn't even done any hill training on the machines at the gym because I was focussing on achieving distance. I have some kind of weird block about running outside, so I kept putting off doing any training outdoors. The California runs were a disaster; I gave up after 2k on the first day, and 1.5 k on the next. It was very disheartening. So I revised my estimated race day time. I thought, 75 minutes would be OUTSTANDING, 80 minutes would be really good, but most likely I would wind up somewhere between 80-85 minutes if my running in Orinda was any indication of how I ran outdoors.
So, guess what my time was. GUESS! Okay I'll tell you. I finished in 1:09:07. Yes, that's 69 minutes – faster than I ever imagined I would or could go at this point in my running ability. I know it's still pretty slow for a lot of people, but I was absolutely thrilled with the time. I felt pretty strong out there; I even ran up the few hills the course presented with relative ease. It was just freakin awesome.
A huge, massive shout out to my girl Christy, for getting up on a Sunday morning and dragging herself down to Yonge & Elm and giving me the best high five of my life and screaming and cheering for me as I passed. I wish I could have stopped to hug her. Next time we see each other, I'm gonna hug the stuffin outta you!!!
And of course, huge shout out as well to my Miaouw, for waking me up (almost missed the whole damn thing because I forgot to turn the volume up on my clock radio), going up to the starting line with me, and then struggling valiantly for the next hour and a half to make it to the finish line, though the TTC fought him at every turn. (The Yonge subway does not start operating on Sundays until 9 a.m., and of course the Yonge bus was being diverted -- all the way over to freakin Avenue Rd -- because Yonge St was closed for the race.) So, he didn't get to see me cross the finish line, but then again, all my fretting while I waited and waited and waited to be herded out with all the other runners to the exit was for naught, since he wasn't even there yet anyway. Seriously, it's totally ridiculous how they have the end of the race set up. You cross the finish line, totally psyched, and then there's this massive line up ahead of you of thousands of runners, walking at a snail's pace, if that, waiting to get our medals and then pass through the eye of the needle to the "post race party" (as if). It was totally insane. There wasn't even a water stand until I'd been waiting in line for 15 minutes. And by the time I was finally out of there, my legs were cramping from lack of stretching.
Well, whatever, who cares. We found each other, wandered around Harbourfront for the next hour and a bit, and had a victor's brunch at the Richtree Market in the BCE place. Then we went home and I napped for 3 hours.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you who've encouraged me to do this. And most especially to those who pledged my fundraising efforts for Camp Oochigeas. I didn't promote it at all, just through this blog, and even so managed to raise $300 for kids with cancer to go to camp and have a great summer. Everybody wins (but I am the champion, my friends)!
More later...
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