Thursday, April 23, 2009

Apr 23: The Prodigal Returns (with new viddie!)

Ummm... hello?

Anybody still here??

Let me just dust off the keyboard and wipe away the cobwebs. Sorry I've been gone so long! Not sure exactly what happened there. A bit of laziness, a bit of diminished focus and engagement in the process, a lack of faith that people are still reading this... stuff like that.

But I do know from some of you that people are still reading (THANKS, you're the best) and wondering how I'm doing, and even looking to this blog to kick-start your own focus and engagement in the process, which kinda blows my mind. I LOVE US!!!

So, I took a few days off the eating right thing, and I took about a week off of the regular exercise business. Went up about 2.5 pounds. Frickin jeez, you know? It takes like, a month to lose that weight and it comes back on in a week. Gah. But actually, as of yesterday morning, I had managed to get the extra pounds offa me again, so maybe it was just a lot of water hanging around from all the salty badness. I will do an official weigh-in video this weekend, but yesterday morning my weight was 151.5.

Okay, I will blog more this week, about important and/or random topics. It's 4:45 in the a.m. right now so... what the eff am I doing up? Answer: I went to bed at 9 because I was fried and now my sleep schedule's all mucky. Added bonus: rambly blog.


  1. Hey girl. You are an true inspiration because regardless of your weight from week to week you keep coming back and reporting your results. If we were all "perfect" in our eating habits we wouldn't be dieting right? We would be among those who are terminally thin, and who complain that they "forgot to eat" WHATEVER! Hang in there and remember this is a marathon and not a race :)

  2. Jen! You have a blog!! Awesome! Hey everyone, go visit Jen's blog, it's all about food! (And a great resource if you're ever visiting Toronto and want some restaurant recommendations.

    Thanks so much for your supportive comment. You're so right that it's a marathon, not a race. I'm chugging along, taking walking breaks when I need them!

  3. Yup I started blogging a little while ago in response to the numerous requests that I get for recipes, restaurant recommendations, and cooking tips. I figured that it would be a lasting resource that I could refer people too and not keep going to the archive of my brain to dig stuff up!

    Stay tuned, because as the summer progresses I will be pulling out all my healthy recipes in the hopes of bringing back a more svelte figure :)

  4. Very cool! Especially since so many of the restaurant recommendations are in our shared hood. I will definitely check out the recipes too!

  5. Geeze, wish I had found this in January. I'm exactly you...but in your January skin. Crud you've lost so much and I had a big gaping hole for a mouth when you ahem reported 131 before correcting to 151! Keep blogging, I love it and maybe will get off my ass and do something about said largess.

  6. Hey, KatCamp, do I know you? I do believe you may be my first ever commenter that I do not know and therefore are not obligated to be nice to me! WORD!!!

    I have to tell you, your comments here and elsewhere yesterday really had such a huge impact on me. I was still trying to pull myself out of the funk and get back in the rhythm of eating right, and I read this comment and something just clicked for me, and my whole mood and attitude just shifted. Thank you so much for commenting. I will definitely continue blogging, and look forward to hearing more from you!

