Thursday, April 23, 2009

Apr 23: Happy news!

Hey gang,

I just found out that my Miaouw is coming to Toronto tomorrow night, and will be here in town for my 10k! I can't tell you what his support means to me. He's been trying to figure out a way to be here for it, because he knows what a big deal it is for me, but I'd resigned myself to it just not being in the cards, as far as his work schedule this time of year is concerned.

But he made it happen, cuz he's the best.

Hopefully this means there'll be some video footage we can put together and post on YouTube so y'all can share in the triumph as well.


  1. Being an expert on marathon training programs (no, really...) I know many have success at the old "10 and 1" approach. That's run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute. I offer that suggestion at no charge.

    Need any additional cheerleaders?

  2. Are you kidding?! Oh my god I would love to have you cheering me on!!!

    Re: 10 and 1, I will definitely be utilizing that method. It sucks because I have gotten myself to a point on the treadmill where I can run for about 20-25 minutes, sometimes longer, without a walking break, but I know I'll need more frequent breaks when I'm out on the pavement, if my California experience is relevant.

    By the end, I'll probably be closer to "1 and 10", heh. But that's okay. I'm just going to do the best I can. Knowing I have some cheerleaders out there, I am absolutely CERTAIN this will motivate me to push myself a little harder. You're the greatest!!!

  3. I wish I *could* be there in person to cheer you on but you know I will be your major NYC-based cheerleader! You are the best, girl, and I am thrilled that the Miaoww is going to be there with you!

    hugs to all of you, and happy paws to Lola!


  4. Thanks so much for this note, Diane! It's great to know you'll be cheering from NYC. (Miaouw says mrroo00ww)

  5. You mentioned in a previous vid that you walk a half-marathon every year. That's awesome!

    My (limited) experience with races and such is that there's a lot of energy and support from the participants and spectators that is propulsive in nature -- you get pushed along by just being there.

    What I'm trying to say is that while perhaps you can only run 20-25 minutes without a break when you're training, I'll bet come race day you'll do a lot better, if only because you'll get caught up in the spirit of things.

    Keep on truckin'!


  6. Hey Jazzmeister, as usual, you have a great comment that has given me food for thought. I've been thinking about how amazing and generous it is of people who come out and line the streets and cheer for people they don't even know. When I've walked half-marathons with my mom, I am always heartened by the friendly and encouraging energy of the crowds lining the streets. I feel sort of sheepish about it, which I know is silly, but you know... there I am, walking, which I feel like pretty much anybody could do, and enjoying the cheers as if I was really exerting myself!

    The truth is, by the end of a 21k walk, I have exerted myself, so I am quite happy to take those cheers and internalize them and convert them into energy to propel me forward.

    But I can't wait to hear the cheers of people on Sunday when I am actually running! It will be so gratifying. So, yeah, I expect the support of the crowd will help me too.
