Monday, March 09, 2009

Mar 9: new viddie!

Hiya! I have a new video. It's really long; sorry about that. I had to cover a bunch of stuff, including measurements, weigh in, a very special shout out, and the 10 k announcement for the YouTube community.

For my video challenged mom:
    lost another pound
    chest: down 1.5" this month (down total 2.5")
    waist: down 2" this month (down total 3")
    hips: down /75" this month (down total 1.75")
    thigh: no change (down total .5")


  1. Go you, you verbose loser, you!

    Seriously, you are rocking Ms. I'm so happy for you and for me really because you are inspiring me to be better. Or less. Or something.

  2. Hey, where's my song!

    On another note, I have made the spinach concoction about 5 or 6 times since you mentioned it. I LOVE IT! Thanks for the reco! This blog has been so great. I am so glad that we draw inspiration and support from each other. Thanks for always saying such positive stuff and also for putting me on the spinach bandwagon. xo!

  3. Hey LQ,

    Thanks for the viddie!

    Take it easy on the spinach: If you eat too much, you'll develop a squint, and get huge triangluar forearms, one of which will erupt in a crude tattoo of an anchor.


  4. DJ Jazzy Jazz, I yam what I yam! I know, I know, we were talking about spinach.
