Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mar 15: grocery viddie

Hi gang! For your viewing pleasure (except poor Mom), a new video. I know I owe you a weigh-in viddie, plus responses to your most recent comments (always, always appreciated) - I will try to have that baby up tonight.

Meantime, I recorded this yesterday and had to cut a ton of it out to get it under 10 minutes. Yikes! Sorry. Anyway, the YouTube dieting community (some time I will blog about this unexpected benefit of posting my weekly weigh-in viddies...) do these "grocery haul" videos that I find are really interesting and helpful in terms of getting new ideas for healthy eating, so I decided to do one of my own.

And now, I am going out for an epic walk. It is 9 degrees out there! Which is 48 in American. And it is, as they say, a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshiney day. Later kiddies!


  1. I've never seen the blue label stuff but I swear Safeway stores carry President's Choice Brand. Or at least they did. I rarely shop there so that may have stopped.

    I guess actually, I don't shop there at all anymore since I now live in a place that doesn't have Safeway stores.

    Still ridiculously happy that the spinach dish found a place in your heart. Reminds me to make it more.

  2. Okay, it's like Bizzaro World over there in Canada with all the familiar yet different packaging.
    My initial thoughts:

    I Love your haircut

    I could never do that camera angle (I have chin issues)

    I'm feeling a little judgemental around you not buying organic, free-range eggs. Also, microwaving bacon. But hey, I live in the Bay Area. I'm a snob like that.

    Lola butt!

    I do so love cottage cheese

    Ummm...okay, well that's not very helpful, but there it is.

    Also, I discovered a really tasty and simple garbanzo bean salad recipe the other night. It involves onions, parsley, olive oil and lots of lemon juice. If that sounds at all yummy to you let me know and I'll post it.

  3. Joy! It sounds yummy to me, please post.

    As for free range eggs, you realize that has next to no meaning right? Most free range birds never see the outside. Someday I'd like to have chickens though so I could have truly organic, free range birds. Um, eggs.

  4. Yo, Taarnagh!

    Chickpeas with lemon:
    2 cups dried chickpeas cooked with one bay leaf and one clove of garlic (I actually just used heated up canned and it was fine)

    toss warm chickpeas with 2 Tablespoons minced onion or shallots, 3 Tablespoons olive oil, salt and pepper to taste

    garnish with minced parsley and squeeze lots of lemon juice on top

    warm or cold, it's yummy!

    I know the tragedy of the fakey eggs--I even heard some have dye injected into the yolks so they look richer! I get mine at the farmer's market from a really cool local urban farm--sometimes with feathers and crap still intact!

  5. hi Taar, (did you get a kick out of my over-pronunciation of your name? seriously, that's how we always say it)... Anyway. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the President's Choice brand is available in some neighbouring states. The PC brand has been around for over 20 years and has rightfully earned a reputation for fantastic quality at a reasonable price.

    I'm glad to make you glad with my gladness. The spinach is fantastico. I need to get a different, less spicy pesto, though.

    Joy! So awesome. Thank you for the haircut props!! You are the first and only person to notice. I love it too.

    Funny about the bizzaro packaging. I was actually gonna point out the bilingual packaging (mandatory in Canada) to all my American friends watching, but I had to speed things up a bit.

    Can you believe that qat?!!

    Re: garbanzo beans... are they the same as chickpeas? Cuz you came back and posted about chickpeas. I've never been a big fan of the lentils. It's the mushy texture, I think. I did have some very nice lentil soup last time I visited Sunnyheart. I ate it to be polite but wound up really enjoying it. So maybe I'll give your garbanzo chick thing a shot.

    Taar, you're back again. The free range thing was a joke. But I'm with you. It's kinda sickening, the pathetic lives those chickens live in order to feed us higher up food chain dwellers.

    Joy (again), the dyed yolks... gross. I hate us. Us being our fucked up culture. I guess I should look into farmer's market eggs too. Sigh.

  6. Ya, I figured it was a joke, but ya know, I get damned mad at paying $4/carton for pretend healthy eggs.

    Anyway because of this video and Joy I now have an in to $2/carton eggs that are DNO (damn near organic) real free range and the whole bit.

    And...I had Shiratake last night instead of noodles! I used to use these a couple of years ago but had forgotten about them. So big thanks to you!

  7. Oh yeah, sorry---chickpeas and garbanzos are one in the same. The stuff of hummus, and much yummier than lentils in my humblest of opinions.

  8. taar, somebody commented over at YouTube about the Shiritake noodles... she said to be sure to chew them up because they go right through you. I was like, ew, but, thanks for telling me! My neighbour did not mention anything like this. Can you confirm or deny? The other thing about those noodles (I did mention this in the viddie but it wound up on the cutting room floor) is that they seem to have little to no actual food value. I am suspicious of them!

    Please share what you do with them, if you wish...

    Joy, I feel like a dumbass for not knowing that. Why do people give things different names like that? I remember the first time I ever heard of tofu, it was at a Chinese food restaurant as a kid, and they called it "bean curd". It took me awhile before I put it together they were the same thing.

    Anyway. I'm just bitter cuz I hate looking stupid. Thanks for the share!

  9. Great food video! I loved all your choices except for that DDP - of course it will give you cancer. Stop now!!!! But also of course everything will give us cancer because we're so far removed from our food sources that they do stuff to all of it so it looks decent by the time we get to buy it.

    I started buying local when I moved out here in the boonies. We have a farm (best blackberry pies ever) a quarter mile from us, and there's little stands along the rural roads everywhere. Yay for summer and local fresh food!


    PS - My female cat 'Socks' jumped up on the computer desk to get a closer look at Lola after she mewed slightly. Hah. Girl talk.

    PPS - Those noodles. Are they rice-based?

  10. Patticakes, ah yes, the evil DDP. My trainer was asking me about that yesterday too. (We had our consultation on Wednesday, after the initial 6 week/12 session intro thing, and talked about all kinds of stuff, including my eating habits.) I told him that I've been thinking about the idea of cutting back. At this point that is all I'm willing to do. But at the cancer place, we have smoking cessation programs that suggest that the first thing people need to do is start thinking about it, contemplating it, and considering a quit plan. You can't quit if you're not committed. So, I am at least thinking about it. I will keep you all posted!

    Re: buying locally, I need to get better at that. When the Miaouw was here last summer he was keen for us to find a farmer's market. Ontario does have a really rich agricultural region, not too far from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA, to locals). So I look forward to supporting the local economy in the next few months.

    I love that your cat reacted to Lola's meow!!! Socks! (Was she named for the former First Kitty, I wonder? RIP; that Socks recently passed away.)

    Re: the noodles, they are tofu. I tried them earlier this week, and I couldn't get past the comment that someone on YouTube made about chewing them well because they "go right through you" so I ended up not eating much of them. But Taar likes them, as does my neighbour down the way...

  11. Socks probably got her name from the four little white feel she has on her mostly black body. It was her name when she was adopted by us a few years ago. She and her brother were left abandoned in their home by their previous human when that human died. They have been together since birth, so I was happy to adopt them as a pair. His name is Pajamas.

  12. Oooh, Socks and Pajamas! A-DOR-able! I would love to get a playmate for Lola (to terrorize/dominate) but a) my apartment is just not big enough to house another litter box, I fear, and b) I would worry about them not getting along and the whole notion just blowing up in my face.

    Anyway, it's nice to think they have each other. (And you and your boys!)
