So what is my current fitness goal, you may ask? Well. I am still deliberating on whether this is something I will feel comfortable attempting, but I am toying with signing up for the Good Life Toronto (half) Marathon, happening Sunday, May 15. I haven't signed up yet, probably won't until much closer to the date.
The background on this heady notion: for several years now, my mom and I walk this half-marathon route, although up until this year, the event has been held in October, not May. This past October, we were signed up to do it, and then my mom injured her knee. I decided to go anyway, with her encouragement. I hadn't done any training, hellz, I hadn't even done any running for several months. But since I was there on my own, I decided to experiment and see how much of the route I could run. I was able to alternate running and walking until about the 15 km mark, when the pain was too great to continue the pavement pounding, so I did my best to walk the rest as fast as I could. Where my mom and I have normally completed the 21k in around 3:45-3:50, I finished in 3:11. Not exactly world class, but I was pleased. I thought if I could do that with no training at all, maybe I could improve my time considerably by the new spring date. At least I have a time to shoot for. I'm sure I could get under 3 hours, and would hope for around 2:30-2:45.
The thing is, I am so fucking fat and out of shape right now! I have no lung capacity, and get the asthma-wheezies after 10 mins of running. I really need to build up to it, and I'm not sure four months is enough. So for sure I will sign up for the Sporting Life 10k again, happening 2 weeks before the half marathon, on May 1. I will look to improve my time again this year (first time, 1:09; last year, 1:07). I'm sure running will get easier once I shed some of the excess baggage, and also get back into shape.
The Good Life marathon route is similar to the Sporting Life route (although twice as long), in that they both go straight down Yonge St for much of the run, which is mostly all downhill. This is a sizable carrot in front of me. I could put off the fitness goal til the fall, when Toronto's other marathon, the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront marathon, happens on Oct. 16. But I like the idea of the downhill boost. So, I don't know.
For sure I will do the 10k. For now I am focussing on just doing an hour of cardio in the gym 3 times a week, gradually introducing running into that as I start to feel more fit. Basically, I am not a fan of running. I am a fan of achieving seemingly impossible goals, though, so I soldier on.
What about y'all? Share a goal so I can hold you to it!
I too plan on doing the sporting life 10...i too am holding of registering, but i hear the next price jump is coming soon so I should just get to it
ReplyDeleteL-mac, oooh, price jump. Didn't think of that (rarely do) - I reckon 10 bucks is a reasonable cost to allow me to waffle uncertainly for several months, heh. But I know for sure I'm doing the 10k, so I should at least sign up for that one. Awesome, we will have matching t-shirts to go with our matching names.
ReplyDeleteokay, I feel like an idiot now. I've been pining for you to write again and you have been.
ReplyDeleteTaaaaar! I was wondering when you'd show up! Sorry I should have emailed you when I started up again, but I figured you'd see me on FBK sooner or later. Thanks for feeding my ego (ZERO POINTS FOR EGO TREATS!!) and for being in my corner, just like I'm in yours.
ReplyDeleteSo my last comment seemed to disappear and it stated that my current goal is to get through the full 60 minutes of the "Dancing with the Stars" video that I bought last week. So far 35 minutes is my limit.
ReplyDeleteI also walk a couple miles 2-5 times a week. as you know that's longer than it sounds in the winter.
That's a great goal - sounds like fun, too. What a feeling of accomplishment when you finally make it to the end!
ReplyDeleteWalking 2 miles in any weather is good work, but particularly nowadays, wow, good on ya. I finally got up early enough to walk to work this a.m. (I try to at least walk home after work, but have been slacking too much of late.) It's about 1.25 miles. By the time I got to work, my thighs had turned into frozen sausages. Fry me up with some bacon and call it a day. Mind you it was -13°C (8°F). I'm assuming that's typical for you in Minnesota, though too.
I am thinking of investing in a pair of Sorels, or maybe some knock-offs for half the price, so that I can do some serious walking in the winter. The slushy mess and resulting soakers is a huge deterrent for me.
Anyway, keep up the awesomeness! Seriously, the walking inspires me too.
The clunky Sorel type boots are awesome for keeping the gunk out but I wore my clunky boots the other day walking with James and my calves are just now recovering. It's like walking with weights on your feet. Of course no one shovels in this neighborhood which makes it even more of an adventure.
ReplyDeleteThe actual Sorels that I got last year, sans plastic clunky parts, are great for walking in when it's not slushy. I couldn't walk in this weather without proper foot attire. My little, chubby toes would fall off!
I <3 you for translating the temperature.
Damn US school system! 8 degrees is quite common around these parts. I have finally acclimated. I walk with the neighbor girl and we check the temps before we go out. If it's in the teens we think, "Wow, that's warm I'll just add an extra sweatshirt and forget the coats." Never in a million years did I imagine that type of thought would cross my brain!
Hey L,
ReplyDeleteEver thought of starting with the Sporting Life 10k, working up to the 10-miler in July and then tackling the half in October? It's a slower build, but in the end your time will be good, you'll be in a whole lot less pain AND you'll have several goals along the way to keep you motivated. AND, so many of your peeps are doing those races, so you'll also get the support leading up to the races and on race days. Just a thought.
Great piece. We all need help to achieve our goals, especially fitness goals! Or is that just me?
Hmmm, never considered the clunk factor. My gimpy calf has returned in recent weeks, which I do not speak of because I am in denial. But long walks in clunky waterproof boots may make it impossible to ignore.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, it's not that the Canadian school system is so much better (hint: google "fahrenheit to celsius" or "metric conversion calculator" or similar - all kinds of calculators available on the net), it's that we are aware of the fact that our ways are strange and mysterious to our southern neighbours. Yeah that's right, I said neighboUrs!
I'm kinda shocked you are skipping coats in weather in the teens. You have become a fierce winter warrior!
Hey Tracy! yeah, for sure, I have thought about that route. It makes way more sense, and like you said, allows to set achievable goals in bite size pieces. Running 10 mils in July though... uggghh. Not sure. Maybe.
ReplyDeleteI just really want to run dowhnill. IS THAT SO WRONG???
So, what's your current fitness goal? Are you setting your sights on the full marathon?
These sound like fantastic goals!
ReplyDeleteKeep us posted on which marathon you sign up for, and we'll cheer you on while you train. :)
Holy guacamole, a comment from the Good Life peeps themselves! I HAVE ARRIVED, yo's! Seriously, thanks so much for your support, and I will indeed keep you posted.
ReplyDeleteThere is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.