With the revamp, points are calculated differently. Calories don't figure in to the equation at all; instead, you enter grams of protein, carbohydrates, fat and fibre to calculate the point value. Foods that are higher in protein/fibre and lower in carbs/fat tend tend to have a lower point value. The thinking is, two items may have the same calories before you ingest them, but the amount of those calories your body uses to digest the food will vary depending on their nutritional value. Some foods are far more efficient.
I think this is fantastic for a few reasons:
- Calories, and the need to count (some might say obsess, but I don't judge) are removed from the the equation. While counting calories may be effective, there is no incentive to eat foods with more nutritional value. It's a subtle way to shift the way I think about food, not thinking about calories all the time.
(Having said that, it's a hard habit to break, and I usually keep a mental tab on how many calories I've ingested on any given day. As you know, I love to count.) - In the past, the strength of DubDub's points system, its flexibility, was also its weakness. If you wanted a Big Mac, you could eat a Big Mac. You couldn't eat anything else that day, but the option was always there. With this revision, the flexibility is still there, but I feel like I am being encouraged, almost pushed (in a good way), to make healthier choices.
Okay, those are kind of the same reason, stated twice. Whatever, you get the idea.
The other thing that totally ROCKS is the advent of free fruit. Even though they contain carbohydrates, fruits are no longer assigned any points. So if I've eaten all my points in a day and I'm craving a little somethin-somethin, I eat frozen grapes. LOVE the frozen grapes! And I add a banana (formerly 2 precious points of my daily allotted 23) to my cottage cheese breakfast in the morning with impunity! When I want something decadentish, I go to the store and buy fresh pineapple chunks. SO! GOOD! The result is that I am eating far more fruits and vegetables than ever before. I think free fruit is a revolutionary idea in the world of dieting and I am ALL for it.
Since the point value of many foods has gone up with the new calculation, the daily allotment of points (and the weekly allotment of "flex" points, to be used for special occasions or to bump up your daily points allowance if you need it) has gone up. It used to be 23 daily plus 35 for the week, and now it's 29 daily and 45 for the week. Now that fruit is free, I feel like I have more points than I know what to do with! It's awesome! (This is another reason why I count my calories at the end of the day - just to check in on how much I'm actually eating. FYI, the amount of calories I ingest in a day of eating 29 points and a couple of free fruits is around 1200-1300 a day, which is pretty standard on a healthy weight loss diet.)
So the changes are not so much about how much you eat (you get the same amount of calories each day, more or less), but about how you think and feel about the food you are eating, and about the choices you are making. I'll make a stir fry and eat it without rice and I'm satisfied. (If I'm not, I'll eat some FREE FROZEN GRAPES!)
So, thumbs up to the new DubDub. So far, so good.
Free the fruit! Free the fruit! Attica!
ReplyDeleteI also love frozen grapes. And frozen blueberries are most awesome in a glass of juice, white wine or champagne! (Besides oatmeal.)
Thanks for outlining the WW changes. I'd been seeing the commercials and was wondering. Is the new food available yet, and does it taste better like they said it does? This is good.
I porked out over the holidays. Mmmmm... cookies, pie, truffles, cookies. I have Blogadelphia IV as my target. Onward.
Love you,
Patti (Beep)
Patti, Attica - nice! Are you asking me about new foods being available? According to Barney on How I Met Your Mother (and now, sigh, Ken), stuff doesn't come to Canada until three years later, so I don't know about new foods. Although I am remembering now - there is always a table of DubDub wares at the meetings. Maybe I'll take a closer look tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteBD4 is a nice target date. Lots of time to get 'er done. Thanks for the beep. Love back to ya!
I'm so happy you're blogging again! Wooohooo!
ReplyDeleteI began working with a doctor friend of mine, who is developing a wellness/weightloss program I've been calling "fat camp" (much to his chagrin). We started meeting once a week, starting at the end of November. I'm working on developing a healthier relationship to food. His program is all about behavior modification. So, Miss Meal Skipper/Binger can now recognize what hunger actually feels like (and surprise, surprise, it's not the same thing as starvation!), and she's eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, with healthy snacks in between. It sounds similar to Dub Dub, in that I know how many calories I can have in a day (between 1200-1300), and I can "spend" them as I choose. It's not about deprivation at all.
I'm not a big fan of exercising, so the only thing I'm really doing in that area, is walking. Mostly just going about my everyday business. I wear a pedometer and I'm getting in around 10,000 steps a day.
My goal is to lose 25 pounds in six months. So far, as of last night, I've lost 9 pounds and 2" off my waist. I'm finally feeling encouraged!
Looking forward to reading more about your successes, my dear! Thanks for this blog!
Hugs and smooches!
darling moxie! How wonderful to hear from you and all of your positive changes! This is most awesome. Twenty-five pounds in six months is a very reasonable goal, totally achievable, nice steady pace. Great that you're working one-on-one with someone you trust who has a medical background.
ReplyDeleteI haaaate exercise too, although it's something I force myself to do. Sometimes. I don't have a car or even know how to drive so I walk everywhere. Except in this weather. Either it's too MF cold, or it's too MF slushy. Soakers galore. I am thinking of investing in a pair of Sorels, to encourage more winter walking. Meantime, I try to get to the gym 2-3 times a week. Hopefully will build on that, once I establish a routine, and get it up to more like 4-5 times a week, but whatever.
My next blog will be about activity and setting fitness goals.
SO glad you are SO glad I'm blogging again! And that we're on this journey together. It really, really helps to rely on each other.
Smooches back, and some for that crippled Ruby Dog too.