Alright, I'm back. I totally meant to be here sooner. The Miaouw and I went to my mom's place last weekend (she and my stepfather live in a serene bungalow on a lake in the wilds north of Kingston, ON). We needed to get out of the city. This weekend we're back there again for the annual Family Weekend thingy. My brother and his family (including gigantic, slobbering, if good-natured dogs) plus me and my Miaouw (this year we are bringing Lola, on the Miaouw's insistence) plus Mom and Al. Try not to get eaten alive. Try not to eat myself dead. Those are my two main goals.
Anyway, I wasn't around. And then, when I was around, I've been very disheartened by the shocking deterioration of my body. It's like, I turned 40 and then almost to the day I started being plagued by injury. My left calf has been on and off acting up - some sort of pulled muscle, possibly. I stayed off of it, except for bi-weekly workouts with Derek. The couch treatment seemed to be working, because on Monday I went to the gym and kicked ARSE. I was able to do skipping intervals again and really work up a good sweat, with no pain. I actually requested we do lunges. (I think my brain may also be injured.) Two days later (yesterday), suddenly my left foot is all fizzucked up. The outer arch is really achey. I almost sucked out and cancelled my session with Derek. I knew we could concentrate on upper body but I was just so pissed and depressed and feeling sucky. I pushed through and showed up. We did cycling sprints, which my gimpy hind paw seems able to withstand. In the end, I was happy I went. Tomorrow morning I am going to see a physiotherapist for an initial assessment. I'm wondering if the two injuries are related (left foot being connected to the left calf... bone... ish). Derek said maybe something's out of alignment. Maybe. I'm busy checking for lumps, thinking to myself, well, if you have to get cancer, this is the best place for it. Cuz that's how I roll (i.e., neurotically). (No lumps, phewf.)
So that's where I'm at. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some sort of diagnosis or some treatment or whatever, to figure this crap out, cuz I'm already tired of being an elite athlete.
Good girl, yes on the post, but more on getting to the gym! When I turned 40 my eyesight instantly got worse...bam..."you need progressive lenses are you in your 40's" BARELY. Don't we all assume some unexplained ailment is cancer or is it just us two?