This week, a significant milestone: re-entry into the 140s zone. Whoa, nelly it's been ages since I've been here. Place looks pretty much the same way I left it. Put on some old size 12 pants this a.m. and they not only fit, they were comfortably roomy. Ladies and gentleman, we have reached the closet re-integration stage. I am starting to wear stuff I haven't even looked at in 3 years. Flipside is, I tried to wear a skirt I bought in January and it was resting on my hips. Nice skirt, too. Ah well, these are problems I don't mind having
So yeah. Lost 2.8 in the last 2 weeks, putting me at 149.8. I love that - just barely teetering on the side of the 140s, but hellz, I'll take it. This is the lowest I have been since starting this blog so I'm feeling pretty optimistic
The C25K thing is fantastic. I'm in week 5 now, which is run 5 mins, walk 3, run 5, walk 3, run 5. Next week I have to run 8 mins. And then all of a sudden it jumps to running 25, with no walk breaks. WTF? I am trying not to panic at the thought of it. I've been doing a 5k run on a treadmill once a week, in addition to the three outdoor runs with the C25K app, so I can be ready for my 5K run at the end of October. My cardio/lung capacity is definitely improving, and I think the extra exercise may be boosting my metabolism too.
I celebrated by buying new shoes.